The Jerusalem Post

PM pledges to legalize settler outposts if reelected


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday pledged to authorize illegal West Bank settler outposts should the results of the March 23 election allow him to create a right-wing government, as he made his first campaign swing in Judea and Samaria for this fourth election cycle.

“I swear to you: If I create a strong right-wing government without a rotation, I will take care of the settlement­s and the authorizat­ion of the young settlement­s [outposts],” he said during a visit to the Givat Harel outpost in the West Bank’s Binyamin region.

Netanyahu spoke at an event that was closed to the media, and his remark was publicized by the Young Settlement­s Forum, whose representa­tives met with him at the outpost.

But he also spoke about his support for outpost authorizat­ion in a public speech posted on his Facebook page that he made both in Givat Harel and later in the Kfar Etzion settlement in Gush Etzion.

Netanyahu had already pledged to support the authorizat­ion of the outposts prior to the fall of the government.

At the time, he had supported an initiative for government ministers to issue a declaratio­n of intent to legalize the outposts, but Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz had kept the issue off the government’s agenda.

The Young Settlement­s Forum and the Yesha Council had manned a protest tent outside Netanyahu’s office in the final weeks of the Trump administra­tion in hopes of ensuring passage of the initiative. Some of the settlers even held a hunger strike.

Should Netanyahu make good on his pledge to authorize the outposts, he would immediatel­y generate friction with the Biden administra­tion, which is opposed to such a move.

At issue are some 165 illegal West Bank outposts, of which some 100 were built from 1991-2005 and another 65 constructe­d in the last eight years during Netanyahu’s tenure.

But 41 of the new outposts are herding encampment­s, designed to claim a foothold on land through agricultur­e and animal grazing. The remainder of the outposts were designed to eventually become fledgling communitie­s.

According to the left-wing group Peace Now, some 15 West Bank outposts have been legalized as new neighborho­ods of existing settlement­s while Netanyahu has been

in office. Another 10 are in the process of legalizati­on.

It was unclear how many outposts would have been included had the government issued a decelerati­on. But the Young Settlement­s Forum has focused on 70 outposts that it wants to see legalized either as new neighborho­ods of existing settlement­s or as new settlement­s.

All of Netanyahu’s rivals on the Right have pledged their support of the outposts, including party leaders Gideon Sa’ar of New Hope, Naftali Bennett of Yamina and Bezalel Smotrich of the Religious Zionists.

Netanyahu’s rivals all voted in favor of legalizing the outposts during a preliminar­y Knesset vote on the matter just before the government fell. Netanyahu was absent from the Knesset when the vote took place.

But during his speeches, Netanyahu underscore­d that he was the only one who could make good on his pledge. “Why wasn’t there [outpost] authorizat­ion,” he asked. “I supported it,” Netanyahu said. “All the Likud ministers

supported it. Who opposed it? Gantz.”

Gantz had the power to halt the authorizat­ion of the outposts because the government was based on a rotation that allowed power sharing between the Likud and Gantz’s Blue and White Party, he said.

This time around, Netanyahu said, he would not create a rotation government.

Sa’ar and Bennett, he said, have no such option, and one of them would likely create a rotation government with Yesh Atid Party head Yair Lapid that would make it impossible for them to act on behalf of the settlement­s, including the outposts.

“If you vote Bennett, you have voted to make Lapid the prime minister,” Netanyahu said. “Do you want Lapid as prime minister? If not, then vote Mahal [Likud].”

Bennett’s Yamina Party is “Lapid’s new hope,” he said, making a play on the name for Sa’ar’s party.

If Bennett goes over two digits in Knesset seats, then the danger grows for a rotation government that would stymie settlement growth, Netanyahu said.

Should voters not want to support the Likud, then they should vote for Smotrich’s party, because he has promised to join a Likud-led government, he said.

Netanyahu also touted his ability to stand strong against US presidents who oppose settlement activity.

He said he was able to stop former US president Obama from taking even stronger stances against the settlement­s.

“If you cannot operate in the internatio­nal arena, you cannot be the prime minister of Israel,” Netanyahu said, adding that he had a proven track record on that score.

In the past, he said, he had halted attempts to uproot the settlement­s and would continue to do so in the future.

From Gush Etzion, Netanyahu made his first-ever visit to the South Hebron Hills, which is considered an isolated area of the West Bank that is beyond the security barrier and is considered to be in danger of evacuation in any two-state plan that would include the blocs.

Even the Trump peace plan, which included the region with the future sovereign borders of Israel, placed the area in an isolated bubble that would have restricted its growth.

On Sunday, Netanyahu visited the site of an ancient synagogue dated from the fifth to eighth centuries, which is located next to the Sussiya settlement, and he inaugurate­d new renovation­s at the site.

According to the South Hebron Hills Regional Council, Netanyahu promised to use some of the money from United Arab Emirates investment­s to develop the South Hebron Hills area.

UAE businesses are already investing in settlement products and are importing them to the UAE.

The Young Settlement­s Forum said Netanyahu’s words were significan­t given the importance of correcting the injustice done to the residents of the outpost sent by the state to create these new communitie­s, but who have not received proper support, including for the infrastruc­ture needed to meet their basic needs.

Now that all the heads of the right-wing parties have pledged to support the settlement­s, “we see the light at the end of the tunnel,” it said.

But the Young Settlement­s Forum added a cautionary note.

“At present, all elected officials, first and foremost Netanyahu, will be evaluated on their actions and not their words,” it said.

Last week was a big one for aggrieved princes.

There’s Prince Harry of the United Kingdom, who decried racism against his wife, Meghan Markle.

Then Prince Hussein bin Abdullah of Jordan had to cancel his plans to visit the Temple Mount because he wanted to go against what Israel had previously agreed to, and bring his entire cohort of armed guards with him, in a flashy show of force that Israel would not allow.

But they both had their revenge. Harry and Meghan went on Oprah, and wouldn’t name the royal racist, so we can all play a fun guessing game.

And Jordan blocked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s flight to the United Arab Emirates.

Princes! They may be among the most privileged people in the world, but they’re just like us! They have relatives that make them uncomforta­ble and they can’t pray at the Temple Mount!

Correction: The second bit makes them like the Jews among us.

Perhaps the height of chutzpah in l’affaire Prince Hussein is that, thanks to Jordan, most of Israel is barred from worship at the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, every single day. Bonus chutzpah is that for 19 years, Jordan totally controlled the Temple Mount and banned Jews from getting anywhere close.

But the prince is sad he can’t bring all of his guards, guns blazing, to the very city from which Jordanian Legion snipers shot at Israeli civilians for kicks in the 50s and 60s.

The attitude, as if Israel has to constantly show deference and warmth to Jordan no matter what Jordan does, is rampant, but it’s worth rememberin­g that Jordan can defer to us sometimes, too. It’s not as if Israel is the only beneficiar­y of its peace agreement with Jordan; it’s good for Jordan, too.

It’s politicall­y convenient for many to blame Netanyahu for the deteriorat­ing relationsh­ip, since there’s an election in nine days, and he has had so many other foreign policy wins lately. So, we have columnists expressing abject horror that Netanyahu threatened to block Jordanian flights over Israel in response to Jordan’s action, as if Jordan was being so reasonable up to that point.

Netanyahu has had his fair share of tension with King Abdullah and his father, King Hussein, but frankly, Amman’s attitude last week was not surprising, less because of something Netanyahu had done and more because Jordan’s relationsh­ip

with Israel in recent years, at least publicly, is almost entirely defined by grievances.

In the 1994 peace agreement between Israel and Jordan, Israel stated that it “respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem.” In other words, the Jordanian Islamic Trust, known as the Wakf, would be responsibl­e for the day-to-day administra­tion of the Al-Aksa Mosque.

Jordan has taken that to mean that it can demand things like the removal of metal detectors from the site, installed immediatel­y after a terrorist attack in which Muslim Israelis murdered two Druse Israeli police officers.

Plus, Jordan thinks it is within its rights to demand that

high-profile Israelis not visit the Temple Mount, despite the agreement stating that “there will be freedom of access to the places of religious and historical significan­ce.”

King Abdullah also declined to allow Israel to continue to lease small pockets of farmland from Jordan, as detailed in the peace agreement, further contributi­ng to the decline of relations.

Beyond that, he’s done nothing to counter the coldness of the peace between Israel and Jordan, and rampant anti-Israel sentiment in society. Jordan has blocked the extraditio­n to the US of Ahlam Tamimi, one of the terrorist mastermind­s of the 2001 suicide bombing in the Sbarro pizza parlor in downtown Jerusalem, in which 15

were killed and 122 injured; she has since become a TV star in Jordan.

A 2019 study by IMPACT-se, which analyzes the content of textbooks in the region, found “minimal recognitio­n of Israel and the peace treaty,” which it called “cause for concern.” Official textbooks warn of the “Zionist Danger,” and describe Israel as “a Zionist entity with no rights.” One textbook expresses a “wish to see Palestine liberated from the Zionist Occupation;” another compares Zionism to nazism and fascism.

But not letting the prince have as many armed guards as he wants at Temple Mount is the real problem in Jordan-Israel relations.

Maybe Prince Hussein can talk to Oprah about it.

 ?? (Gershon Elinson/Flash90) ?? PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu attends a ceremony yesterday for a new neighborho­od in Kfar Etzion in the Etzion bloc.
(Gershon Elinson/Flash90) PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu attends a ceremony yesterday for a new neighborho­od in Kfar Etzion in the Etzion bloc.
 ?? (Ammar Awad/Reuters) ?? MUSLIM GIRLS celebratin­g ‘Isra and Mi’raj’ last week on Temple Mount, revered by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, from which the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.
(Ammar Awad/Reuters) MUSLIM GIRLS celebratin­g ‘Isra and Mi’raj’ last week on Temple Mount, revered by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, from which the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.

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