The Jerusalem Post

Calls for incitement investigat­ion against Liberman gather steam

Yisrael Beytenu leader says: ‘Bibi, haredim heading to the dump’


Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman’s vitriolic comments about haredim (ultra-Orthodox) sparked indignatio­n on Sunday, as public figures from across the political spectrum said he should be investigat­ed for incitement.

Speaking on Channel 12’s Ofira and Berko show on Friday, Liberman was asked about various political scenarios after the upcoming election, specifical­ly if he would join a government with the haredi parties if it meant toppling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Liberman interjecte­d, “The haredim and Bibi are on a wheelbarro­w together to the garbage dump.”

In response, United Torah Judaism chairman Moshe Gafni said Liberman was losing his mind.

“His [Liberman’s] despair in his fight against Netanyahu is making him say things like this, but we haredim have for a long time treated him like someone who has lost his mind,” he said. “I expect the law-enforcemen­t agencies to deal with this antisemiti­c comment,” he added.

Housing and Constructi­on Minister Ya’acov Litzman (UTJ) said the “desire for hatred and incitement that drives Yvette [Liberman] is causing him to go off the rails to a dialogue of the sewers.” It was “embarrassi­ng and arouses sympathy,” he added.

Gafni and Litzman called on the attorney-general to investigat­e Liberman for incitement.

In response, Liberman accused the haredi leaders of shedding “crocodile tears” and hypocrisy, citing a recent video issued by UTJ comparing non-Orthodox Jews to dogs.

The haredi leaders did not criticize that video or comments by

MK Yitzhak Pindrus (UTJ) calling converts through the IDF’s conversion program shiksas, a disparagin­g term for a non-Jewish woman, and neither did Netanyahu, he said.

“The behavior of the haredi representa­tives in the Knesset Finance Committee, in the Housing and Constructi­on Ministry and in the [Transporta­tion Ministry]’s Exceptions Committee is the disgracefu­l behavior of macherim who arrange everything for their sector in return for a voting slip and together ignore the rest of the public that carries them on its back,” Liberman said.

Several left-wing figures, including Labor leader Merav Michaeli and former Meretz leader Zahava Gal-On, criticized Liberman. They also accused Liberman’s critics of failing to speak out against his past attacks against the Arab community.

“Are you outraged by the Liberman’s filth against the haredim?” Gal-On asked. “It’s a shame you weren’t outraged by his racism to his previous enemy when he advanced the Nation-State Law and proposed to transfer the Arab triangle to the Palestinia­n Authority to revoke the right to vote of Arabs and when he conducted a death-penalty campaign,” she said.

Mickey Gitzin, executive director of the left-wing New Israel Fund in Israel, said: “Someone who lives on hate, once for the Arabs and now the haredim, is someone who preaches hate.”

“The haredim lived with him in peace as long as he only dealt with the Arabs,” he said. “Incitement against entire sectors is disgusting, whether it’s against the haredim, Arabs, left-wingers or Reform [ Judaism].”

 ?? (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) ?? YISRAEL BEYTENU chairman MK Avigdor Liberman with Yehuda Meshi Zahav, chairman of the ZAKA rescue and recovery organizati­on, at a conference last week of the Israeli Television News Company in Jerusalem.
(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) YISRAEL BEYTENU chairman MK Avigdor Liberman with Yehuda Meshi Zahav, chairman of the ZAKA rescue and recovery organizati­on, at a conference last week of the Israeli Television News Company in Jerusalem.

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