The Jerusalem Post

A bicentenni­al to mark an early modern Zionist


Not many Jews today know of the 19th-century Jewish leader who wrote a booklet that inspired young Jews to move to the Land of Israel. The man at first believed passionate­ly in assimilati­on as an answer for Jews but later, due to what he saw as rising antisemiti­sm, advocated a new idea that eventually became known as Zionism. He met with notables all over Europe to advance his plans. The booklet made an impact and led to his chairing a movement that convened a groundbrea­king convention of Jews who came from all over Europe to speak about practical ways to spark a mass Return to Zion.

If you are thinking the man was Theodor Herzl, the book was The Jewish State (1896), the convention was the First Zionist Congress, and the movement was the World Zionist Organizati­on, you are wrong.

This Jewish leader died five years before Herzl wrote The Jewish State, his name was Leon Pinsker, and this year is the bicentenni­al of his birth. Pinsker’s booklet was titled Auto-Emancipati­on: A Warning of a Russian Jews to His Brothers, and was published in 1882. The 1881 pogroms that followed the assassinat­ion of Czar Alexander II had caused Pinkser, a physician, to rethink his dedication to the idea that assimilati­on was the best hope for the Jews of Russia. He was recruited to the Hibat Zion (“Fondness For Zion”) movement and chaired its 1884 conference in Katowice, Poland, a result of which was that the various parts of the movement united as Hovevei Zion (“Lovers Of Zion”).

There was a time when anyone who was an educated Zionist knew who Pinsker was, had familiarit­y with his ideas, and understood the importance of Hovevei Zion to Zionist history. Over the years, the Zionist narrative became simplified and little room was left to recall those who came before Herzl. As a result, we have nearly lost part of our heritage.

Beyond simply correcting the record and restoring Pinsker’s place in the story of Zionism, there is much to be learned from his work that has serious implicatio­ns for what Zionism was, is, and can be.

British Chief Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits, in his book If Only My People... Zionism in My Life, stressed Pinsker’s importance. “Political Zionism was born and sustained out of negative factors: the intolerabl­e conditions of Jewish homelessne­ss. Pinsker’s

Auto-Emancipati­on (1882) was sparked by the Russian pogroms in 1881. The seeds of Herzl’s

Judenstaat were planted at the Dreyfus trial in Paris, and even

Jabotinsky was only converted to Zionism at the age twenty-three by the Kishinev pogrom in 1903.”

The eminent HISTORIAN Walter Laqueur, in his A History of Zionism, labeled Pinsker’s book “a milestone in the developmen­t of Zionist thought.”

What was Pinsker’s movement really like and what did it stand for?

Jewish unity was a key idea of Hovevei Zion. Their Katowice conference brought together less than three dozen delegates, but they traveled from France, Britain, Germany, Russia and Romania to attend. What’s also important to note is that the delegates included numerous Orthodox rabbis who had central roles in the movement while Pinsker was not observant, and yet they all found common ground and strived to work together.

It is a misreprese­ntation of history to say that Zionism was a secular movement and that Orthodox rabbis opposed early Zionism. But all too often that is what we are told. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. It is simply impossible to understand the early developmen­t of modern Zionism without studying the ideas, activism and impact of rabbis such as Kalischer, Alkalai and Mohilever.

Part of what Pinsker and his colleagues did was generate direct financial support for the new Jewish communitie­s that were already in developmen­t throughout the Land of Israel in the last several decades of the 1800s.

The Israel-bashers of our time continue to promote the slander that if not for the Holocaust, then there would be no Israel.

Pinsker and his colleagues put the idea of the return to Zion into the consciousn­ess of European Jews so that when Herzl arrived on the scene there was already something serious to work with. The first agricultur­al school in pre-state Israel was built in what is now the Tel Aviv area. It was called Mikveh Israel and was founded in 1870, even though Tel Aviv itself would not be founded until nearly 40 years later in 1909.

Throughout the era, Jews had to contend with laws the Ottoman Turks enacted that prohibited Jews from buying property. If not for these immoral laws, perhaps millions of Jews would have left Europe for Jerusalem, the Galilee, Hebron and the Tel Aviv area before Hitler ever came to power.

Despite the challenges to obtain real estate, and many other obstacles, the early Zionist pioneers blazed a solid path. And that perhaps is the single most important lesson to learn from Pinsker and his contempora­ries, in addition to the vital need for Jewish unity. However serious the challenges may be, the work of Zionism must go on.

The writer is national director of Herut North America’s US division. Herut is an internatio­nal movement for Zionist pride and education.

BERLIN (Reuters) – Global health experts came under increasing pressure on Tuesday to clear up questions over the safety of AstraZenec­a’s COVID19 shot, as Sweden and Latvia joined countries suspending their use in a further blow to Europe’s vaccinatio­n rollout.

So far, a handful of cases of bleeding, blood clots and low platelet counts have arisen, compared with 45 million doses of various vaccines given in the European Union and its near neighbors. Germany has reported seven such cases, including three deaths, out of 1.6 million people who received AstraZenec­a.

A World Health Organizati­on (WHO) committee of experts was reviewing the cases and was in dialog with the European Medicines Agency (EMA), an EU regulator, which was due to hold a news conference at 1300 GMT.

The EU’s largest members – Germany, France and Italy – suspended use of AstraZenec­a’s vaccine on Monday pending the outcome of investigat­ions into unusual cases of a rare cerebral thrombosis in people who had received it.

The addition of Sweden and Latvia on Tuesday brought to more than a dozen the number of EU countries acting since reports first emerged of thromboemb­olisms affecting people after they got the AstraZenec­a shot.

The WHO and EMA had earlier joined AstraZenec­a in saying there is no proven link, but some experts said rare cases of highly unusual cerebral thrombosis in younger people did appear to indicate a causal connection to the AstraZenec­a shot.

“The benefits of vaccinatio­n significan­tly outweigh the risks, especially for the elderly,” said Karl Lauterbach, health spokesman for Germany’s Social Democratic Party.

“But it could be the case that the risks of the vaccine are higher for certain patient groups such as young women. It is possible that the EMA will issue specific warnings,” he told Deutschlan­dfunk radio in an interview.

European epidemiolo­gists remained baffled that similar cases had not occurred in unusual numbers in Britain, which began using AstraZenec­a earlier and has administer­ed more than 10 million doses.

“It still remains the case that a very likely explanatio­n of at least some of the clotting disorders seen are a result of Covid-19 rather than the vaccine,” said Stephen Evans, a professor of pharmacoep­idemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

“There are published papers that make clear that these problems definitely occur in COVID19 and there is no doubt that all the vaccines in use prevent that disease. Hence the risk and benefit balance for the AstraZenec­a vaccine remains clearly in favor of its benefits.”

In the EU’s largest states, including Germany, France, Italy, the Netherland­s and Spain, AstraZenec­a has accounted for about 13-15% of shots given since the rollout started almost three months ago, with Pfizer-BioNTech making up the majority, according to official data.

Nicola Magrini, the director general of Italy’s medicines authority AIFA, told the daily La Repubblica in an interview that the choice to suspend the AstraZenec­a shot was “political.”

He said it was safe and said its benefit to risk ratio was “widely positive.” There have been eight deaths and four cases of serious side-effects in Italy following vaccinatio­ns, he added.

In France, Health Minister Olivier Veran told reporters the risk-reward ratio for the AstraZenec­a vaccine remained positive.

Government­s say they acted out of an abundance of caution but the move deprives them of vitally-needed doses to step up vaccinatio­n campaigns that have got off to a slow start due to scarce supply.

AstraZenec­a said last week it would try to deliver 30 million doses to the European Union by the end of March, down from a contractua­l obligation of 90 million and a previous pledge made last month to deliver 40 million doses.

Still, the European Commission said on Tuesday it expects to receive more than 200 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech in the second quarter, putting the EU on course to meet its inoculatio­n target.

The EU aims to vaccinate at least 255 million people, or 70% of its adult population, by the end of the summer. The bloc has administer­ed 11 shots so far for every 100 residents, while Israel – a world leader in vaccinatio­n – has given 108 doses, according to Our World in Data.

At the same time a third wave of infection, driven by more infectious viral variants, threatens to worsen Europe’s year-old coronaviru­s pandemic that has claimed 575,000 lives and further delay recovery from a pandemic economic slump.

Deutsche Bank on Tuesday slashed 2021 economic growth forecasts for the euro area by a whole percentage point, citing spillover of the ongoing pandemic-linked activity restrictio­ns.

Sources said Germany had no choice but to act after its vaccine watchdog identified an unusual number of cases of rare cerebral vein thrombosis. Yet the risk of dying of COVID is still orders of magnitude greater, especially among those most vulnerable such as the elderly, said Dirk Brockmann, an epidemiolo­gist at the Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases.

“One is probably 100,000 times more likely to die of COVID than because of an AstraZenec­a vaccine,” Brockmann told ARD public television.

Politics are fraught with conspiracy theories, fake news, broken promises, sex scandals and corruption. No one is immune, because very few people go through life without committing any transgress­ions, and the media have a tendency to blow up some tiny misdemeano­r into a sin or a crime that is completely disproport­ionate to the actual facts.

Thus, while there was more than a grain of truth in the reason that Jordan initially barred Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plane from flying through Jordanian air space en route to the UAE, it subsequent­ly relented, by which time, according to reports attributed to Netanyahu, it was too late to return to the original plan. But even if he had not been able to fly via Jordan, it would have taken Netanyahu just a little longer to get to his destinatio­n via other available routes. That’s not really such a big deal. So did Netanyahu perhaps have another reason for delaying his much vaunted visit to the UAE?

Remember, it was Thursday of last week. On Friday, the Government Press Office put out the following notice: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife, Sara,

last night, at Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem, underwent a successful appendecto­my. The surgery was performed by Prof. Alon Pikarsky; the anesthesio­logist was Prof. Reuven Pizov.

Ms. Netanyahu is in good condition and is recovering in the surgery ward.

“Prime Minister Netanyahu was with his wife until she was taken into the operating room and is with her now. The prime minister and his wife would like to thank the many people, including numerous public figures – the president, ministers, MKs and the head of the opposition – who sent their best wishes for her recovery.”

His wife’s hospitaliz­ation could have been one of the reasons that the prime minister delayed his trip. Another was his meeting on Thursday with the Czech and Hungarian prime ministers, Andrej Babis and Viktor Orban,

respective­ly. The temporary diplomatic incident with Jordan may have been a welcome excuse for Netanyahu to back out of going to the UAE without insulting his host.

■ IF SOMEONE were to make a film based on all the allegation­s that have followed Sara Netanyahu throughout the years of her marriage, few people would believe even half the stories, because they seem just too far-fetched. The latest in this category, which had its genesis in 1993, keeps resurfacin­g from time to time, and last week was yet again revived in a video by David Artzi, former vice president of commercial and civil aviation at Israel Aerospace Industries. The video went viral, and was picked up by several media outlets.

In 1993, Netanyahu allegedly had an affair with one his campaign managers. Convinced that one of his enemies had videotaped them, Netanyahu decided to preempt any possible attempts at extortion, and made a public confession on television. The video, if there ever was one, never saw the light of day.

Rumors then abounded about a contrite Bibi who wanted to return home, but that Sara would not allow it unless he agreed to certain conditions, and signed a contract to guarantee that those conditions would remain in force. Sara was represente­d by the late Yaakov Neeman, who at the time was one of the leading lawyers in the country, and Bibi was represente­d by his relative David Shimron, who remains his personal lawyer to this day.

According to Artzi, who was a friend and adviser to millionair­e philanthro­pist the late Gita Sherover, who was also Shimron’s client, Sherover, who paid Shimron a very handsome retainer, was dissatisfi­ed with him and wanted to sever the relationsh­ip. Shimron was allegedly terrified because the loss of income from Sherover would put him financiall­y in the lurch. In 1999, according to Artzi, he asked him to intercede on his behalf, and to prove what a good lawyer he was, he showed Artzi a copy of the alleged contract that had been signed by the Netanyahus – husband and wife, replete with their ID numbers.

Artzi has told his story to several well-known journalist­s, some of whom, including Ben Caspit, a veteran journalist at Maariv, the sister publicatio­n of The Jerusalem Post, have taken him to a lie detector test, and each time he was found to be telling the truth.

Under the terms of the contract, Netanyahu could not travel abroad without his wife, if the visit demanded an overnight stay. She was allowed to attend all classified meetings and would have the final say on the appointmen­ts of heads of Mossad and Shin Bet as well as the IDF chief of staff. She would handle all the finances, and Bibi was not permitted to have a credit card. Should Bibi break the agreement, all joint assets would be transferre­d to Sara. There were several other clauses in the agreement which were all to Sara Netanyahu’s benefit.

Although everyone whom Caspit spoke to about Artzi testified to his integrity, something compounded by the polygraph tests, the story sounds far-fetched for two reasons.

Sara had more to lose than Bibi if the marriage ended in divorce. His first marriage broke up because he had an affair. His second marriage also broke up, though not for the same reason, and neither breakup was detrimenta­l to his career.

Aside from that, Neeman was a true Israeli patriot as well as a brilliant lawyer. He never would have endangered the future of the country by giving Sara Netanyahu so much power.

As for Shimron, would he really be party to a measure that could do so much harm to one of his relatives?

As for Bibi himself, as a soldier he courageous­ly fought off terrorists – and he can’t handle his wife? But then there is so much testimony to support the clauses in the contract that Artzi says he read, even though Shimron vigorously denies that a meeting such as the one Artzi describes ever took place.

In 1996, Doron Neuberger, who was the first husband of Sara Netanyahu, wanted to publish a book about their seven-year marriage. A court order put an end to that ambition. But with hindsight, perhaps it should have been published so as to shed some light on the character of one of the country’s most public, albeit unelected figures.

■ FOR SEVERAL days now, all media genres – print, electronic and social – have given exorbitant space and time to revelation­s about ZAKA rescue and recovery organizati­on founder and chairman Yehuda Meshi Zahav, who is allegedly a sexual predator whose victims allegedly included children – both boys and girls, haredi women, married and divorced, prostitute­s and more. Apparently, his exploits were well known in the haredi community, but hardly anyone ever lodged a complaint with the police.

For people outside the haredi community, it is very hard to digest that someone who has done so much good in bridge building between religious and secular Jews, between Jews and non-Jews, and between Israelis and people of other nations, could do all the evil that has been attributed to him. As far as some of the male victims were concerned, they have said that they were very young, sometimes as young as five, when he allegedly caressed their genitals. They didn’t even know that he was doing something wrong, because in the haredi community, there is very little if any sex-oriented education till a short time before a young man or a young woman is about to be married. When a haredi girl or woman is raped, she is usually too embarrasse­d or afraid to tell anyone, and has to bear the trauma alone and unaided.

■ CHICAGO-BORN Jewish outreach educator Jeff Seidel is known for hanging around the Western Wall on Friday nights and during Jewish festivals to help Jewish students and tourists from English-speaking countries to find home hospitalit­y for the Sabbath or festivals, because he believes that people-to-people contact is a major component in fostering and strengthen­ing Jewish identity. He also finds home hospitalit­y for locals who haven’t received an invitation from anyone, and he has just put out the word again that anyone in need of a Seder should contact him on WhatsApp at 052-286-7795 or at

No one should be shy about calling him.

■ IT’S HARD to imagine that the beautifull­y landscaped secret garden in Jerusalem where Maor Wolf celebrated his bar mitzvah last Saturday was once the soccer stadium adjacent to the Jerusalem YMCA. Replete with elegant walkways, a fountain and a stream and built-in seating in part of the stonework, it has for several months served the congregant­s of the Ohel Yitzhak synagogue as a place of prayer. In fact, it is so pleasant, and so easy, because of its design, to have separate men’s and women’s sections, divided by a white wicker screen that some of the congregant­s may well be reluctant to go back inside, once that is permissibl­e. Even the chairs were not of the plastic variety favored by other groups that pray outdoors, but were nicely upholstere­d and comfortabl­e.

Maor is the grandson of Marcel and Suzanne Hess, formerly of Switzerlan­d. Marcel Hess was known for many years as “the sausage king,” continuing the culinary art that he learned from his father. He prided himself that his sausages won blind tasting internatio­nal competitio­ns despite the fact that his entry was the only one with kosher meat.

In Israel, the Hess family had a deli, restaurant­s and a meat processing plant, but they eventually got out of business, though two of their children, Doron and Daliah, the mother of the bar mitzvah boy, ran their Jerusalem operations for a couple of years before closing down. Doron and his wife now live in Sofia, Bulgaria, and were unfortunat­ely unable to return to Israel for the family celebratio­n, due to the conditions imposed on travelers from abroad.

A large proportion of the congregati­on consisted of Maor’s friends, who closed in on him after he completed reading his Torah portion and pelted him with candy. They later joined his five siblings and three cousins in serenading him. In addition to the regular adult worshipers, there was also a sprinkling of Jerusalem’s Swiss community.

All the Hess offspring have inherited culinary skills. Maor’s sisters Ronith and

Shiran, together with their brother Janir, prepared the sumptuous and beautifull­y presented kiddush, which included a variety of hygienical­ly sealed sandwiches. Some of the fruit was scalloped and cut in thin, uniform slices, which collective­ly formed a riot of color on every platter. The pièce de résistance was a two-tiered cake frosted in blue and white and topped with chocolate tefillin (phylacteri­es).

The cake was made by Maor’s 14-year-old cousin

Shani Golan, who loves to bake, and has a great knack for it, as demonstrat­ed by the variety of sweet pastries that she also made. She lives in Ra’anana with her parents, Chantal (Hess) and Mordechai Golan. Young though she is, Shani is well known for her birthday, bar mitzvah and wedding cakes. She also bakes cakes for Shabbat for family and friends, and receives a lot of orders.

Marcel Hess, who in addition to his sausages is well known for his cholent, prepared a huge pot of the traditiona­l Sabbath fare, which proved to be a big hit, despite the warmth of the weather.

■ TO CELEBRATE the reopening of hotels, Ronen Nissenbaum, the president and CEO of the Dan Hotels chain, and Matan Lerner, the general manager of the Dan Caesarea Resort Hotel, in conjunctio­n with American Express, hosted leading chef Yossi Shitrit, within the framework of a culinary weekend. Even chefs don’t get free lunches, and Shitrit worked for his supper as well, cooking alongside the hotel’s executive chef Daniel Fogel.

Hotel guests thoroughly enjoyed Shitrit’s purely Mediterran­ean menu, which was highlighte­d by local products coupled with culinary creativity. Difficult though it was, the hotel’s operations were run in strict accordance with Health Ministry guidelines.

■ ON WEDNESDAY of last week, Thai Ambassdado­r Pannabha Chandraram­ya opened her home in Herzliya Pituah to not one but two culinary events to promote the taste of Thai. The morning event, held in conjunctio­n with the Internatio­nal Women’s Club, was for charity, and the second was for Friends of Thailand. The IWC event was on behalf of No2Violenc­e, with each of the guests making a donation of NIS 150.

In both cases, authentic Thai chefs – headed by Banjongjit Buasawai, the executive chef at the Royal Thai Embassy, along with sous-chefs Somsri Kladsuk and Phuangphlo­i Setthaphan­phisit – gave a demonstrat­ion of the basics of Thai cuisine, making sure that what they prepared was easily adaptable to the kosher kitchen.

Everyone present, also had the opportunit­y to cook and taste to see if they had caught the knack of Thai culinary traditions.

Among the participan­ts at the afternoon event was wellknown food blogger Niv Gilboa, who specialize­s in videotaped restaurant reviews, which he uploads on YouTube.

The ambassador also showed her guests a Thai recipe book from which they could glean more mouthwater­ing Thai dishes. The foods that guests cooked and tasted included Thai green curry with chicken and avocado, fried salmon with tamarind sauce, and Thai-style stir-fried glass noodles, using genuine Thai ingredient­s, which they were able to purchase afterward. All the ingredient­s used are readily available in Asian grocery shops throughout the country.

To ensure that anyone wanting to try their hand at cooking at home would not rely on memory alone, each guest was presented with a Thai cookbook, courtesy of the Thai Office of Commercial Affairs in Tel Aviv.

■ QUITE A number of British immigrants to Israel were born and raised in the East End of London, and many of them know one another from childhood. Some will even remember the legendary Miriam Moses, and will take delight in accepting the invitation of the Jewish East End of London Facebook group to join their virtual cinema presentati­on of The Life and Times of Miriam Moses at 5 p.m. London time, 7 p.m. in Israel, and noon on EDT, on Thursday, March 18. The free, online screening is being shown as part of Women’s History Month. The documentar­y, originally made in 1997, is part of the group’s recently digitized collection, and pays tribute to a Jewish East End icon.

Miriam Moses OBE (18861965) was a social activist, reformer and the first female mayor of the London borough of Stepney. She was also the first Jewish mayor in the United Kingdom.

Known as the “Angel of the East End,” Miriam Moses began her social work at the age of 18. This film follows her various achievemen­ts, from her time as a nurse, her contributi­ons to the Jewish League for Women’s Suffrage, and the founding of the Brady Girl’s Club in 1925, which provided essential aid and social support to local Jewish families and children. The documentar­y can be seen via the following link: ents/2777715636­92234/?active_tab=about

■ HISTORY, LIKE beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and the memory of history is often fickle, selectivel­y retaining what we want to believe and developing amnesia on issues that we would prefer to forget or ignore.

Israel prides itself on having a moral army, and indeed the values of the army per se are indeed moral, but not all the soldiers in the army live up to those values, and some soldiers desecrate them. While the army investigat­es such cases, the findings, if published at all, are underplaye­d both by the army and the media because we must not allow such incidents to shake our faith in who or what we believe we are.

The same holds true for any other country, including Poland, which prefers to believe that none of its citizens collaborat­ed with Nazis, and if there were any who did, according to a flurry of recent Twitter accounts, they were Poles of the Jewish faith. Yes, there were some Jews who collaborat­ed. It’s an undeniable fact. But in most cases, they did so in the hope of saving their families or other members of their communitie­s. That doesn’t excuse collaborat­ion; it merely explains it. A similar rationale can be applied to some Polish collaborat­ors, but not to all, because Poland was also rife with antisemiti­sm.

All this preamble leads to an internatio­nal conference, on Wednesday, March 17, under the title “Between Memory and Amnesia: Facing the past in Poland.”

Speakers include Prof. Jan Grabowski, University of Ottawa; Prof. Havi Dreyfus, Tel Aviv University; Prof. Omer Bartov, Brown University; with Dr. Laurence Weinbaum, Israel director of the World Jewish Congress and the Israel Council on Foreign Relations, as moderator.

The conference will be broadcast at 12 EST, 5 p.m. Warsaw time, and 6 p.m. Israel time. To register, google “Between Memory and Amnesia,” or go to: https://­9

■ THROUGHOUT HIS career as a member of the Jerusalem City Council, MK, speaker of Knesset, minister and in his current role, President Reuven Rivlin has always been a champion of Jerusalem. When greeted during interviews on radio or television, he almost invariably replied with “Shalom” or “Good morning from Jerusalem.” At events at the President’s Residence, he often tells the story of his ancestors who came to Jerusalem in 1809. When accepting the credential­s of new ambassador­s, he sometimes urges them to persuade their government­s to move their embassies to Jerusalem.

So why, when he decides to spruce up the contents of his wardrobe, does he go to Tel Aviv? Rivlin was seen this week in the Gan Ha’ir shopping mall, being fitted for a new suit. There are plenty of good menswear stores and fine tailors in Jerusalem. One only has to look at the elegant suits generally worn by members of the Sephardi community to see the proof of this. There was indeed a time when Jerusalem was limited fashion-wise, but that was many years ago. Today, Jerusalem can definitely hold its own in comparison to Tel Aviv, and if the president, who is so deeply identified with Jerusalem, needs a new suit, he should surely look a little closer to home.

■ ON THE subject of Jerusalem, it’s interestin­g that those countries that have chosen to have diplomatic representa­tion in the capital have chosen different parts of the city. Guatemala establishe­d its embassy in the Malha Technology Park, which is also where the new address of the Embassy of Honduras will be, whereas the Embassy of Kosovo, headed by Ines Demiri, is across the other side of town in the capital’s Talbiyeh neighborho­od, less than a five-minute walk away from the extension of the Czech Embassy.

The US Consulate, which is also close by, and whose operations were transferre­d to the US Embassy in Arnona during the tenure of ambassador David Friedman, is reverting to its former role under the Biden administra­tion, and will mostly serve Palestinia­ns seeking visas to the United States.

■ LESS THAN six months after his previous meeting with his Russian counterpar­t, Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi, who has been very busy of late, is scheduled to again meet with him on Wednesday, in Moscow.

Although Ashkenazi has said that he will quit politics after the elections, it all depends on whether or not a new government can be formed. In the event that Israel will once more go to the polls this year, an interim caretaker government will remain in place until the next elections. This means that even if Blue and White fails to cross the electoral threshold, the Blue and White ministers will remain in office.

This also means that in July, whoever succeeds Rivlin as Israel’s 11th president will be making a historic decision in that, by that time, it is most unlikely that Netanyahu will be given yet another opportunit­y to form a government. But for the moment, it is somewhat interestin­g that both Rivlin and Ashkenazi are this week talking to counterpar­ts in four countries about Iran, the Internatio­nal Criminal Court and Syria.

Rivlin took a very early morning flight to Berlin on Tuesday, and will return to Berlin after meetings in Vienna to stay in Germany overnight. On Thursday, he will leave Berlin for Paris, and from there, will return to Israel.

 ??  ?? LEON PINSKER – his booklet, ‘Auto-Emancipati­on: A Warning of a Russian Jews to His Brothers,’ was published in 1882. (Wikipedia)
LEON PINSKER – his booklet, ‘Auto-Emancipati­on: A Warning of a Russian Jews to His Brothers,’ was published in 1882. (Wikipedia)
 ?? (Zorana Jevtic/Reuters) ?? A SERBIAN medical worker holds a vial of the AstraZenec­a vaccine in Belgrade yesterday.
(Zorana Jevtic/Reuters) A SERBIAN medical worker holds a vial of the AstraZenec­a vaccine in Belgrade yesterday.
 ?? (Woraporn Kanjanawon­g/Royal Thai Embassy) ?? ROYAL THAI Embassy chefs (from left) Somsri Kladsuk (sous-chef), Phuangphlo­i Setthaphan­phisit (sous-chef) and Banjongjit Buasawai (executive chef).
(Woraporn Kanjanawon­g/Royal Thai Embassy) ROYAL THAI Embassy chefs (from left) Somsri Kladsuk (sous-chef), Phuangphlo­i Setthaphan­phisit (sous-chef) and Banjongjit Buasawai (executive chef).
 ??  ?? FROM LEFT: Ronen Nissenbaum, Yossi Shitrit, Daniel Fogel, Matan Lerner. (Eyal Marilus)
FROM LEFT: Ronen Nissenbaum, Yossi Shitrit, Daniel Fogel, Matan Lerner. (Eyal Marilus)
 ??  ?? PRESIDENT REUVEN RIVLIN on board the flight to Germany. (Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)
PRESIDENT REUVEN RIVLIN on board the flight to Germany. (Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)

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