The Jerusalem Post




1 Lady occasional­ly entering shed for break from work (3,3) 2 Pass Europeans on vacation coming to order salad (8) 3 Criticise judge initially, and strange potentate (10)

4 Act topping bill I learned trashed hotel previously (9) 5 Reported dilemma for voters in capital city (4)

6 Spots King wearing glasses (6) 7 Live male insect, enormous thing (8)

9 Steer around really discontent­ed antelope (4) 15 Pardon main criminal, temperamen­tal type (5,5)

16 Sport duke plays is game with many variations (4,5) 17 Provided with everything necessary, European told jokes (8) 18 Element that’s essential in alchemy? (8)

20 One old man becoming enthralled by brown snake (6) 22 Distressin­g time – telephone about closure of factory (6) 23 Shock as bottom falls out of hamper (4)

25 Periods in history are brought up by son (4)

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