The Jerusalem Post

What is Hamas trying to achieve?


Regardless of how the current round of fighting between Israel and Hamas ends, the Gaza-based terrorist group believes it has already managed to obtain a number of achievemen­ts, especially with regard to scoring points with the Palestinia­n public.

First, Hamas succeeded in hijacking the protests that erupted between Palestinia­ns and the Israel Police in Jerusalem at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.

The protests over the police barriers at Damascus Gate, the planned eviction of a number of Palestinia­n families from their houses in Sheikh Jarrah and visits by Jews to the Aqsa Mosque compound on the Temple Mount have turned into large demonstrat­ions in support of Hamas.

When Mohammed Deif, commander of Izzadin al-Qassam, the so-called “military” wing of Hamas, issued a rare threat against Israel over the Sheikh Jarrah dispute, many Palestinia­ns in Jerusalem began chanting slogans praising him and Hamas.

Second, Hamas’s decision to fire rockets at Jerusalem on Monday has enabled it to present itself as a credible “resistance” group that is prepared to do anything to support the Palestinia­ns in Jerusalem and stop Israel from carrying out its purported scheme to “Judaize” the city and “change the historical and legal status” of the Aqsa Mosque compound.

Third, Hamas now appears, at least in the eyes of many Palestinia­ns, as the only Palestinia­n faction that is willing to stand up against Israel to “defend” Islam’s third-holiest site and “thwart” Israeli “conspiraci­es” against the Palestinia­n residents of Jerusalem. This is at a time when the reactions of the Palestinia­n Authority and the Arab and Islamic countries are restricted to paying lip service to al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestinia­ns in Jerusalem.

Fourth, by commandeer­ing the Jerusalem protests, Hamas has drawn attention to PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s incompeten­ce in dealing with the crisis. Abbas is now being depicted by Hamas and other Palestinia­ns as a weak leader who has failed to stop Israeli “aggression” on the Aqsa Mosque and in Jerusalem.

Worse, the 85-year-old PA president is again being denounced by Hamas and other Palestinia­ns because of the ongoing security coordinati­on between the Palestinia­n security forces and the IDF in the West Bank. During some of the protests at Damascus Gate, Sheikh Jarrah and the Aqsa Mosque compound, many Palestinia­ns chanted slogans condemning Abbas as a US “agent” and an Israeli “collaborat­or.”

Fifth, the latest round of violence has enabled Hamas to return to center stage as Egyptian, Qatari

and UN mediators are making efforts to reach a new ceasefire between the terrorist group and Israel.

While Abbas and the PA say they are working with several internatio­nal parties to end the fighting in the Gaza Strip, Hamas leaders Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh also have been contacting world leaders in an attempt to reach a new truce.

Hamas’s diplomatic efforts are seen as yet another sign that the Palestinia­ns have two separate leadership­s in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The efforts are also seen in the context of Hamas’s strive to gain legitimacy in the internatio­nal arena and tighten its grip on the Gaza Strip.

Abbas’s decision in late April to postpone the Palestinia­n parliament­ary and presidenti­al elections, which were set to take place on May 22 and July 31, respective­ly, deprived Hamas of the opportunit­y to display its power through the ballot box.

But the events of the past few weeks have allowed Hamas to show that it remains a major player in the Palestinia­n arena and is popular among the Palestinia­ns.

Hamas was planning to run in the parliament­ary election with a list named “Jerusalem is Our Destiny.” It was hoping to make Jerusalem the main theme of its election campaign by presenting itself as the “defender” of al-Aqsa Mosque and promising to pursue the fight against Israel “until the liberation of Jerusalem.”

Hamas is now boasting that it is the only Palestinia­n

group that fulfilled its promise to retaliate against Israel over the Jerusalem unrest. The message Hamas is sending to the Palestinia­ns is that “‘Jerusalem is Our Destiny’ is not just another empty slogan.”

After Abbas announced his decision to delay the elections on the pretext that Israel had refused to allow the vote to take place in Jerusalem, Hamas called on the Palestinia­ns to step up the “popular resistance” against Israel, particular­ly in east Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Hamas was hoping that a new wave of anti-Israel violence would embarrass Abbas, undermine the PA and drag them into a confrontat­ion with Israel.

But Hamas stopped short of directly urging the Palestinia­ns to revolt against Abbas, lest it be accused of fomenting a Palestinia­n civil war.

Hamas leaders are now rubbing their hands with glee as they watch thousands of Palestinia­ns on the streets of Jerusalem chanting “We are all Mohammed Deif,” raising Hamas flags at al-Aqsa Mosque and denouncing Abbas as a “traitor.”

By accusing Israel of “obstructin­g” the Palestinia­n elections and strongly condemning Israeli policies and measures in Jerusalem, Abbas contribute­d significan­tly to the outbreak of the violence in the city, including at the Aqsa Mosque compound.

Abbas, however, failed to foresee that his rivals in Hamas would move to cash in on the rising tensions and transform them into pro-Hamas rallies and protests against him and the PA.

 ??  ?? A PALESTINIA­N inspects the site of an Israeli air strike in Gaza City yesterday. (Suhaib Salem/Reuters)
A PALESTINIA­N inspects the site of an Israeli air strike in Gaza City yesterday. (Suhaib Salem/Reuters)

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