The Jerusalem Post

Expand the definition of ‘we’


In “Meron tragedy underscore­s dangerous divisions in Israel” (May 6) Dan Perry uses the loss of 45 lives as a hook on which to hang hatred of haredi Jews. Yet it is he who is advocating division! He writes, “Secular people... cannot truly be expected to respect the haredi way.” He uses broad brush strokes in his condemnati­on of all “ultra-orthodox” and totally distorts the lifestyle of his fellow Jews.

“They simply do not care essentiall­y about the other” he claims, when Torah-observant Jews actually live by the mitzvah “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

The Talmud teaches us how to disagree without being disagreeab­le. It reminds us that we do not have to say everything we think out loud; out of respect for others it is sometimes more appropriat­e to remain silent. The Talmud also suggests that even while respecting others, we can still turn our heads away from opinions we do not accept; we can show both respect and also discretely and politely remain true to our own beliefs.

We must seek to expand the definition of “we” and shrink the definition of “they.” We must examine our own faults and shortcomin­gs before searching for them in others. Perry would be well advised to remember that the antisemiti­c world does make a distinctio­n between one Jew and another.

He also alleges that haredim have “contribute­d to one of the highest infection rates in the world.” He is experience­d in disseminat­ing fake news, having been chief of the associated press in the Middle East. Actually the

yeshivot (haredi study institutio­ns) became centers of herd immunity.

No anti-haredi subject is spared, even the birthrate, which he suggests will in a few generation­s bring about the collapse of “the house of cards” – an apparent metaphor for the State of Israel.

He belittles the Meron disaster by quoting some who did not place any importance on “Israel’s national tragedy” but place more importance on the stampede at the Mecca haj and the European soccer stadium accident. The article is dripping with hate.



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