The Jerusalem Post

Swiss knife – in the back


The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) chose to have its offices in Switzerlan­d, from which they spew their obscene hatred of Israel, recently in the form of a permanent committee to investigat­e Israeli war crimes (“The UN Human Rights Council isn’t human or right,” June 3).

The Swiss were neutral in World War II while millions of Jews were being slaughtere­d in countries around them. They were neutral to the Holocaust atrocities and escaped relatively unscathed from the horrors of the war. Now they are more than happy to host the UNHRC in its obsessive criticism of Israel. Now they can actually participat­e as silent partners in the UNHRC antisemiti­sm.

Pakistan, a Muslim country, infamous for its human rights abuses, introduced the draft resolution on behalf of the Organizati­on of Islamic Conference. A cohort of countries determined to destroy Israel, and the Swiss are more than pleased to host these racist defenders of humanity – Jews, of course excepted.


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