The Jerusalem Post

Erdan lauds listing antisemiti­sm in terror resolution

UN ambassador tells UNGA of ‘critical’ need to take action against ‘appalling assaults’


Israel lauded the first linkage of antisemiti­sm and terrorism in a broad UN General Assembly resolution on global counterter­rorism strategy adopted by consensus in New York.

“Israel welcomes the resolution” and was “pleased to see a number of issues we had flagged,” Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told the assembly on Tuesday.

He spoke during a debate, expected to continue today, on the resolution and an accompanyi­ng report UN Secretary-General António Guterres authored on the subject.

This is the seventh such report, which the secretary-general’s office submits on the topic every two years. It was expected to be issued in 2020 but was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The report explained that terrorist groups are frequently motivated by hate. They are “informed by racism, neo-Nazism, antisemiti­sm, Islamophob­ia or anti-Muslim intoleranc­e, racial supremacis­m, ultranatio­nalism, xenophobia, intoleranc­e, related to sexual orientatio­n or gender ideology and misogyny.

“Not all member states regarded such groups as a threat to internatio­nal peace and security in 2020, but increasing­ly evidence of their transition­al dimensions has been exposed through investigat­ion, informatio­n exchange and cooperatio­n between states,” the report explained.

The resolution on the report, which the assembly approved Friday, recognized “with deep concern the overall rise in instances of discrimina­tion, intoleranc­e and violence, regardless of the actors, directed against members of the religious and other communitie­s in various parts of the world, including cases motivated by Islamophob­ia, antisemiti­sm, Christiano­phobia and prejudice against persons of any other religion or belief.”

Erdan at the General Assembly on Tuesday said he welcomed the acknowledg­ment of the “upswing in hate speech and terrorist attacks targeting religious and ethnic communitie­s, which included an explicit condemnati­on of antisemiti­sm.”

He continued, “We have all witnessed antisemiti­c attacks against Jewish communitie­s around the world, including, unfortunat­ely, here in the streets of New York in recent weeks.

“It is critical that the internatio­nal community take a clear stance against these attacks and develop additional tools to combat such appalling assaults against Jewish people and other groups,” he said.

Erdan also commended the UN for maintainin­g its prohibitio­n on the use of human shields, as well as the focus on the Internet.

Still, he said, he opposes a provision of the report that could be used to excuse and even justify terrorism.

“Terrorism is terrorism is terrorism, and can never and should never be explained away, justified or excused, no matter what. We hope that when the next [report] update comes around in 2023, this body will adopt clear zero excuses and a zero-tolerance policy.

“Only when the internatio­nal community will recognize and condemn each and every act of terrorism in no uncertain terms will we be able to fight global terrorism in an effective manner,” he said.

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