The Jerusalem Post



7 Money in Montana (6) 8 ___ license: Artistic latitude (6) 9 ___ to perfection (4) 10 The atmosphere, mostly (8) 11 With a sharp rise (7) 13 Money in Moscow (5) 16 Money in Mersey (5) 17 Bony thoracic structure (3,4) 19 Rough guess (8) 21 Hot spot in the kitchen (4) 23 Writer/illustrato­r Maurice (6) 24 Money in Metulla (6)


1 Music and lyrics (4) 2 Club, thick stick (8) 3 Rustling sound (7) 4 Ill will, resentment, rancour (5) 5 Write over, work up again (4) 6 Hydrant (8)

12 Storage structure for work implements (8)

14 Nobody picked this one (8) 15 Permit to drive (7) 18 Vulgar, cheap (5) 20 ___ 500: auto race (4) 22 Not odd (4)

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