The Jerusalem Post

Polish PM accuses opposition of lying about quitting EU


budapest (reuters) – poland has no desire to leave the european union, prime minister mateusz morawiecki said on tuesday, accusing opposition politician­s of spreading what he said were lies about a possible “polexit.”

his comments came after the polish constituti­onal tribunal ruled last week that parts of eu law were incompatib­le with the country’s constituti­on, underminin­g a key tenet of european integratio­n and fueling talk that poland could one day quit a union that has helped drive its economic developmen­t.

more than 100,000 poles took part in rallies on sunday in support of eu membership.

“our dear opposition are trying to insinuate that we want to weaken the union by leaving the eu,” morawiecki said during a summit of the four central european “Visegrad” nations in the hungarian capital, budapest.

“this is obviously not just fake news, it is something worse – it is a lie that aims to weaken the union.”

a spokesman for poland’s largest opposition party, civic platform, could not immediatel­y be reached for comment.

at sunday’s demonstrat­ion in Warsaw, donald tusk, former head of the european council and now leader of civic platform, said pis – the ruling law and justice party – was jeopardizi­ng poland’s future in europe.

pis says the european union has oversteppe­d its mandate in trying to stop judicial reforms in poland that brussels says undermine the independen­ce of the courts.

“brussels should concentrat­e on security, stopping terrorism [and] economic collaborat­ion with other countries,” morawiecki said on tuesday.

the right-wing populist government­s in poland and hungary have long been at odds with the eu’s executive commission over issues including media freedom, migration, lGbt rights and judicial independen­ce.

hungarian prime minister Viktor orban, a key ally of poland inside the eu, signed a decree on saturday welcoming the ruling by the polish constituti­onal tribunal.

despite Warsaw’s clashes with brussels, support for eu membership remains very high in poland, the bloc’s largest ex-communist country and a top beneficiar­y of eu aid to help poorer members close the developmen­t gap with wealthier ones.

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