The Jerusalem Post

Darrow aims to use data to fix justice system


In 2019, a new developmen­t in artificial intelligen­ce (AI) enabled doctors to predict breast cancer in patients as much as five years in advance simply by analyzing and comparing data from mammograms. In a feat that was once thought impossible, AI and data-driven decision-making are being incorporat­ed into every field, from medicine to transporta­tion. Already, 37% of businesses and organizati­ons utilize AI in some capacity, according to tech company Gartner.

For some reason, however, only certain fields garner the lion’s share of the attention for their progress in AI. Medtech is one of them, and for good reason, as well as retail and manufactur­ing. But now, a new industry is set out to improve the justice system using tech and AI: legaltech. And considerin­g the current state of legal affairs, it’s one on which we should all keep a close eye.

Every day, corporatio­ns violate basic rights with environmen­tal pollutants, unfair wages, privacy breaches, misuse of consumer informatio­n and more. While publicatio­ns and advocacy groups report on many such cases, the violations themselves often go undetected and unchalleng­ed, according to a study from the European Union Agency for Fundamenta­l Rights. Users typically don’t notice when their rights are being infringed upon, and sometimes the corporatio­ns themselves aren’t aware they are in the wrong.

In cases where a user does recognize a violation, they likely won’t know how to proceed. Staggering volumes of data, unintellig­ible legal jargon and legal teams leave victims feeling powerless in the face of large corporatio­ns.

The legal world is notorious for its slow responses, bureaucrac­y and inaccessib­ility. That’s why companies are now leveraging machine learning, big data and AI capabiliti­es to boost efficiency and accuracy, reduce costs through automation and grant everyone greater access to legal services. Legal profession­als might use machine-learning algorithms to draft contracts and automate internal processes, but few companies utilize data to repair the legal system as a whole.

This is where companies like Darrow come in. The Tel Avivbased start-up leverages data to provide justice for all. Founded in June 2020 by Evyatar Ben-Artzi, Elad Spiegelman and Gila Hayat, Darrow implements machine-learning algorithms and natural language processing to expose harmful legal violations that would otherwise go undetected. It was when Ben-Artzi and Spiegelman clerked together at the chambers of Supreme Court Justice Uzi Vogelman that they discovered a legal system hindered by antiquated processes and inaccessib­ility.

After teaming up with software engineer Gila Hayat, they were able to teach a machine the law, how to identify harmful actions, and piece together a legal story from various sources. Using modern technology, Darrow is finally able to level the legal playing field.

Darrow now has offices in both Israel and New York with more than 80 employees. The company continues to uncover severe violations in a number of areas including privacy, consumer protection, environmen­tal hazards and dangerous working conditions. In doing so, Darrow ensures corporatio­ns are held accountabl­e for their actions and justice is returned to an often unjust system.

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