The Jerusalem Post

Israel, the puppet


While there is no doubt that Hamas is bolstering its image as “defender of Jerusalem,” Israel is showing the opposite image (“Gantz ends W. Bank, Gaza closure despite Temple Mount violence,” 17 April). I have noticed recently that the Post and I24News have mainly stopped using the term Judea and Samaria. Perhaps one more concession to appease the unappeasab­le?

So much blabber from Gantz that Israel will continue to act in a “targeted manner against terror and will stop anyone who seeks to violate public order.” However he made sure to allow the Muslims to complete their Ramadan prayers before entering the mosque to apprehend those throwing stones/rocks at police officers. This was “in order not to infringe on the freedom of worship.” Jewish worshipers, on the other hand, don’t have the same rights and infringing on their freedom of worship is normal.

Seems that Jewish prayer at our holiest site is a non-starter compared to the rights of Muslims whose religion only came into being 2200 years after Judaism and whose mosque is built on top of our Temple Mount. Public Security Minister Omer Bar Lev states that Israel has “said time and again that our goal is to allow freedom of worship to everyone on the Temple Mount.״

The truth is that the Muslims are in charge of our holiest site and Israel the puppet at the end of their string. We should hang our heads in shame that Muslims still rule Judaism’s holiest site. This is our home, so why are we encouragin­g and actually helping our enemies to virtually take over what is only ours? God kept His promise to return us to our historic home but the Diaspora mentality was too strong. Shame on us.



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