The Jerusalem Post

Stamp of approval


Each week Gershon Baskin outdoes himself in terms of sinking further into the putrid swamp of the human low life (“Get real and face facts,” April 14).

As per usual, his whole article is aimed at blaming the Israelis for all the Palestinia­n issues, but he does admonish the Palestinia­ns with the following words. He writes “ is important for the Palestinia­ns to understand that killing [sic – should be murdering, slaughteri­ng, maiming] Israelis does more damage to the Palestinia­n cause than just about everything else they do to advance their cause.” Really, this is his message to them? That by inference if it were a successful strategy to murder Israelis, Jews and it benefited their cause that it would receive Baskin’s stamp of approval?

Shameful and disgusting. If Baskin wants to uplift the Palestinia­n code of morality and dignity, he should be advising them that killing and murdering innocent men, women and children is never acceptable in any moral society under any conditions. This comment by Baskin says a lot more about his moral failures than it does about his Palestinia­n brethren.

Also, Baskin needs to clarify for us readers, what is a “Palestinia­n citizen of Israel?” Baskin seems, by continuous reference, to be trying to create a new civilian population entity. I believe that there are Israeli Jews, Israeli Arabs, etc., but when all of a sudden did Palestinia­ns become citizens of Israel? If anything, they are citizens of Jordan.

Finally, a note of point to Baskin: It is the Palestinia­n people who embrace a culture of murder, slaughter, maiming, violence and treachery. Palestinia­n mothers who celebrate the death of their child after they have just murdered at least one or possibly many Jews. Mothers are supposed to nurture, protect and cherish their children.

This phenomenon of violence is so deeply ingrained in the Palestinia­n psyche; Baskin just needs to look at how the moderate Fatah political factions have been rejected by Palestinia­n university students. The students want a more violent and radical leadership, and this comes from the well-educated and upper class of the population. That says it all.

There is so much more in Baskin’s article that demands a rebuff, but space provided by The Jerusalem Post for letters is insufficie­nt for such a detailed critical analysis. Suffice it to say Baskin is not a truthful messenger of facts or ideas. His commitment to his Palestinia­n constituen­cy has rendered his writings as irrelevant in terms of moving the needle. MANFRED LEVENTHAL


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