The Jerusalem Post

First post-blockade food-aid ship leaves Ukraine for Africa


KYIV/ISTANBUL (Reuters) – The ship Brave Commander has left the Ukrainian Port of Pivdennyi, carrying the first cargo of humanitari­an food aid bound for Africa from Ukraine since Russia’s invasion, Refinitiv Eikon data showed on Tuesday.

Ukraine’s grain exports have slumped since the start of the war because of the closure of its Black Sea ports, driving up global food prices and sparking fears of shortages in Africa and the Middle East.

Moscow calls its action in Ukraine a “special military operation.”

Three Black Sea ports were unblocked last month under a deal between Moscow and Kyiv, brokered by the United Nations and Turkey, making it possible to send hundreds of thousands of tons of Ukrainian grain to buyers.

The Brave Commander, carrying 23,000 tons of wheat, left for Djibouti with supplies destined for consumers in Ethiopia, Ukraine’s Infrastruc­ture Ministry said.

“The ministry and the United Nations are working on ways to increase food supplies for the socially vulnerable sections of the African population,” it said in a statement.

World Food Program (WFP) executive director David Beasley said the most important step in combating hunger globally was the opening of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports.

“It will take more than grain ships out of Ukraine to stop world hunger, but with Ukrainian grain back on global markets we have a chance to stop this global food crisis from spiraling even further,” he said in a statement.

The WFP’s deputy emergency coordinato­r in Ukraine, Marianne Ward, told Reuters the ship was expected to reach its destinatio­n in two weeks, and the humanitari­an agency had procured 60,000 metric tons of wheat thus far.

Further cargoes are likely to deliver food aid to countries in the Middle East and Horn of Africa, she said, adding that the WFP was looking at all options to transport food out of Ukraine.

Food crisis

“While we totally focused on the Odesa ports because that is most efficient and can get out the most tonnage, we are still pursuing taking commoditie­s out through alternativ­e routes,” Ward said.

Despite the latest developmen­ts, the world still faces an unpreceden­ted food crisis, the WFP said, adding that up to 50 million people in 45 countries were on the edge of famine.

Ukraine can export three million tons of grain from its ports in September and be able in the future to export four million tons a month, Deputy Infrastruc­ture Minister Yuriy Vaskov said.

Ukraine had received applicatio­ns for 30 ships to come to Ukraine in the next two weeks to export grain, while the total export volume so far was about 600,000 tons, he said.

Turkey’s Defense Ministry said five ships, including the Brave Commander, left Ukrainian ports on Tuesday, carrying

corn and wheat, three from Chornomors­k and two from Pivdennyi. That lifts the total number of ships to leave under the deal to 21.

Four more ships bound for Ukraine were to be inspected on Tuesday by the joint coordinati­on center set up in Istanbul by Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Nations.

Despite the unblocking of ports, Ukraine’s grain exports are down 46% year-on-year, at 2.65 million tons so far in the 2022/23 season, the Agricultur­e Ministry said this week.

Ukraine exported 948,000 tons of grain in the first half of August, down from 1.88 million tons in the same period a year earlier.

 ?? (Igor Tkachenko/Reuters) ?? THE LEBANESE-FLAGGED bulk carrier ‘Brave Commander’ leaves Pivdennyi Port near Odesa with wheat bound for Ethiopia after the restart of grain exports from Ukraine.
(Igor Tkachenko/Reuters) THE LEBANESE-FLAGGED bulk carrier ‘Brave Commander’ leaves Pivdennyi Port near Odesa with wheat bound for Ethiopia after the restart of grain exports from Ukraine.

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