The Jerusalem Post

No laughing matter: Cream spray cans seized

Authoritie­s confiscate thousands of whipped-cream aerosol cans that contain nitrous oxide


Why are spray cans of whipped cream so popular among children and teens in Israel and around the world? It’s not to make strawberry shortcake. They are used to inhale nitrous oxide – “laughing gas” used by dentists for extraction­s – that makes them get “high.” In the metal aerosol containers, it acts as a propellant to get whipped cream out and a preservati­ve to keep it from going rancid.

The Health Ministry reported on Thursday that in the past year it has confiscate­d hundreds of thousands of metal aerosol whipped cream containers with the dangerous gas, which poses the risk of causing unconsciou­sness and/or suffocatio­n from the lack of oxygen which can cause irreversib­le brain damage. Some individual­s have even died from it.

The ministry said inhaling the gas also causes dizziness, which might make users act carelessly or dangerousl­y, and heavy regular use of nitrous oxide can lead to a deficiency of vitamin B12 and to a form of anemia.

The ministry added that it is working in close cooperatio­n with the enforcemen­t agencies to deal with the phenomenon. Recently, in a joint activity of the ministry’s division for enforcemen­t and supervisio­n in cooperatio­n with the Israel Police, large quantities of gas canisters suspected of being aimed at sales to teenagers were seized in kiosks and supermarke­ts in Ashdod. In addition, in the last year, closure orders were issued to two establishm­ents where containers of the gas were sold.

According to the ministry, the product is sold illegally at parties and kiosks throughout the country. In Israel, two young men were recently hospitaliz­ed due to aerosol spray abuse.

Dr. Roni Berkowitz, director of the enforcemen­t and supervisio­n division, warned that the use of the gas “endangers those who are most precious to us – our children. It is a seemingly innocent product that ‘only’ leads to a feeling of euphoria, but it could lead to severe side-effects, some of which are life-threatenin­g. I call on the children and the youth – take care of your health and do not use this product. And parents must become aware of its dangers and speak to their children about the matter.”

Because they are being snatched up by youngsters, there is a shortage of the product in many countries. People who want the whipped cream and not the gas can take sweet cream and whip it up themselves.

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