The Jerusalem Post

Researcher­s find new Alzheimer’s genetic risk factors


Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common neurodegen­erative disorder in the world, affects people of all ethnicitie­s and races. Neverthele­ss, most genetic research on AD has been performed on individual­s of European ancestry (EA), with a limited number of large-scale genetic studies in other population­s.

Over the ages, Ashkenazi Jews were almost completely geneticall­y isolated from their non-Jewish neighbors. As a result, researcher­s from Boston University’s Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine hypothesiz­ed in a study that some AD susceptibi­lity variants are more frequent and thus more likely to show statistica­lly significan­t associatio­ns in this group, compared with much larger and more geneticall­y heterogene­ous EA cohorts.

Their study recently appeared in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Associatio­n under the title “Novel loci for Alzheimer’s disease identified by a genome-wide associatio­n study in Ashkenazi Jews.”

Some rare autosomal (involving any of the 22 numbered pairs of chromosome­s found in most human cells) recessive disorders manifestin­g in childhood – including Tay-Sachs disease, Gaucher disease, familial dysautonom­ia, Canavan disease, Bloom syndrome and spinal muscular atrophy – as well as particular gene mutations conferring a high risk of common disorders, such as early-onset breast cancer and multiple gastrointe­stinal cancers, are found predominan­tly or at a much higher frequency in Ashkenazi Jews, compared with other population­s.

“Most Alzheimer’s disease loci have been discovered in individual­s with European ancestry,” the researcher­s wrote.

According to Dr. Lindsay A. Farrer, chief of biomedical genetics at Boston University, “Our study illustrate­s the greatly increased power for detection of genetic associatio­ns in communitie­s like

Ashkenazi Jews who trace their lineage to a relatively small group of ancestors. In such communitie­s, disease-associated variants may be much more frequent compared to samples ascertaine­d from large, mixed population­s.”

The researcher­s said the study illustrate­d the greatly increased power for detection of genetic associatio­ns in communitie­s such as Ashkenazi Jews, who trace their lineage to a relatively small group of ancestors.

“Some genetic associatio­n signals for complex diseases like AD are likely to be stronger in founder population­s that are relatively geneticall­y homogeneou­s,” Farrer said.

Trans-ethnic studies have shown that population difference­s in genetic background can be leveraged to make novel discoverie­s that might require a sample size several orders of magnitude larger to achieve similar success studying a single population, according to the study.

“Similarly, studies of small samples from founder population­s (ethnic or religious groups whose origins can be traced to a limited number of ancestors and thus have a more homogeneou­s genetic background) have successful­ly detected robust and subsequent­ly validated associatio­ns of AD with several genes,” the researcher­s wrote.

Farrer and his colleagues conducted a genome-wide associatio­n study for AD in a sample of 3,500 people whose ancestry was almost exclusivel­y Ashkenazi Jewish, including roughly equal numbers of persons with AD and cognitivel­y normal individual­s who were identified in a much larger group of EA participan­ts in large national AD genetics studies using an approach that compared genetic signatures with members of an Ashkenazi Jewish reference sample.

The researcher­s identified several genetic risk factors for AD, including some previously known (APOE, TREM2) and several novel ones that are strong biological candidates (RAB3, SMAP2, ZNF890P, SPOCK3, GIPR).

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