The Jerusalem Post

The longtime hatred behind this massacre

- • By JULIUS MEINL The writer is the commission­er for combating antisemiti­sm at the World Jewish Congress (WJC).

‘Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious.” “When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying.”

“With their money, they took control of the world media... With their money, they stirred revolution­s in various parts of the globe... They stood behind the French Revolution, the Communist Revolution, and most of the revolution­s we hear about... With their money, they formed secret organizati­ons – such as the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, and the Lions – which are spreading around the world, in order to destroy societies.”

You wouldn’t be surprised to find out that the quotes above are from Adolf Hitler, the man responsibl­e for the worst crimes against the Jewish people in history. They are built around the same antisemiti­sm, they use the same conspiracy theories, and they drip with the same hate.

But those words weren’t spoken by Hitler, although they could easily have been. Those quotes come from Hamas’s charter. They were written by the same terrorist organizati­on that carried out the October 7 massacre in Israel.

That brutal massacre was an act of antisemiti­sm. It was driven by a hatred of the Jewish people, a hatred of the Jewish state, and a hatred of Jews.

It had nothing to do with national aspiration­s. It was an act of murderous terrorism, motivated by deeply embedded racism. Nothing in the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict justifies the brutality the world witnessed. Nothing in that conflict drove Hamas to carry out some of the worst abuses the world has ever witnessed.

More Jews were murdered on that Saturday than on any day since the Holocaust. Let that fact sink in. The last time so many Jews were murdered in one day was by the Nazis. That was the worst period of murderous antisemiti­sm in history.

Does anyone truly doubt that if they could, Hamas and Islamic Jihad would have murdered every single Jew in Israel? Does anyone doubt they would have carried out a genocide?

The connection between the horrors of the Holocaust and of the massacre in Israel are clear. The Nazis hated Jews because they were Jews. They murdered Jews because they were Jews. And Hamas did too. They hate Jews and they hate the fact that Jewish people have a sovereign country of their own.

It was the dehumanizi­ng effect of antisemiti­sm that motivated Hamas terrorists to murder babies, to execute elderly couples, to abuse corpses, and to rape women.

Antisemiti­sm is also the reason Hamas supporters across the world are celebratin­g this week. It is the cause for the rise in attacks on Jews across Europe, it is the cause for speakers at rallies extolling the virtues of those who carried out unspeakabl­e acts of barbarism. Those people on the streets of London or New York cover themselves in progress labels but they are racists, nothing more, nothing less.

Israel will defeat Hamas. It will recover from the devastatin­g events and use its military might to ensure that what happened last Saturday can never happen again. That is the right and responsibi­lity of any country toward its citizens.

For the rest of us, there is another mission, a parallel one. That is to wage a no less committed and concerted campaign to defeat antisemiti­sm. It won’t be with military force but it should be with all the tools we have at our disposal. Through education, through legislatio­n, through the media, and by calling out antisemiti­sm wherever we see it.

In 1945, the world promised “Never Again.” But it did happen again. This past week, not for the first time we were reminded exactly where antisemiti­sm always leads. We were reminded that the fight against antisemiti­sm is a fight to save Jewish lives. It is a fight we have no choice but to win.

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