The Jerusalem Post

The arc of history

- • By JASON GREENBLATT The writer was the White House Middle East envoy in the Trump administra­tion. He is the author of the widely acclaimed book the Path of Abraham, and director of Arab-Israel diplomacy for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Foll

Aweek ago Saturday, Jews began a new cycle of reading the Torah, the Jewish Bible, beginning with the portion of Genesis, thus continuing the thousandsy­ear-old public practice. Genesis recounts the dawn of creation, when God created light and darkness, calling light good and separating day from night.

The Jewish people – indeed, all of humanity– sit today at the epicenter of a war of civilizati­ons. The fight between good and evil, light and darkness, could not be starker or more existentia­l. The question for the world – not just for nations, but for each individual human being – is: On which side of history do you stand? Will you be a partner in breathing life and kindness into humanity, or will you be a helpmate to the forces of evil and barbarism? Will you help us fight the world’s ills, or will you work to drag all of humanity back to the Stone Age? Will you applaud, apologize for, or defend barbarity, or will you take a stand against it.

On October 7, Jews in Israel celebrated the festival of Simchat Torah, commemorat­ing the completion of the Torah cycle and immediatel­y beginning it anew. On October 7th, the enemies of humanity raised their ugly, vicious heads in the most heinous ways imaginable.

Hamas, a Palestinia­n terrorist group, murdered over 1,300 Jews in Israel, almost all of them civilians, in the most vile and barbaric manner. Not since the days of the Holocaust have so many Jews been murdered on a single day. They burned and executed Jewish babies. They decapitate­d Jewish people. They raped Jewish women and paraded their half-naked bodies around to the cheers and jeers of their fellow barbarians. They murdered young Jews attending a music festival. Parents were forced to watch the murder of their children, and children were forced to endure the torture and murder of their parents. They dragged over 200 people into captivity, reminiscen­t of when Jews were dragged into captivity in prior centuries, including by the Babylonian­s.

Hamas is a cruel, inhumane Islamic fundamenta­list terror group that has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2006 and, for many years, has attacked Israel and subjugated Palestinia­ns who live in Gaza. Hamas’s founding charter rejects the existence of Israel and calls upon Muslims to engage in jihad, holy war, to eradicate the Jewish state and the Jews within it. Hamas’s partner in crime is Palestinia­n Islamic Jihad. Both of these miserable groups, numbering in the tens of thousands, are supported, trained, and, generally speaking, largely controlled by the Iranian regime. They are part of the family of merciless, cruel savages that includes Hezbollah, Houthis, ISIS, and others – all of whom are enemies of Israel, the United States and many of its friends and allies, including many of Israel’s Arab neighbors.

But not even Hamas’s prior terror attacks against Israel could prepare the world for its latest actions. In a sophistica­ted, coordinate­d attack, Hamas terrorists infiltrate­d Israeli communitie­s and engaged in the worst forms of depravity. The barbarism and utter inhumanity were indescriba­ble, shaking people of good conscience and morality to the core.

The genocidal behavior of Hamas was eerily similar to the brutality carried out over 2,000 years ago by the Romans, who sought to destroy Jewish life in the Land of Israel during the times of the Jewish Temple. Just as the Romans sought to extinguish Jewish life in the Land of Israel, Hamas’s charter, its raison d’etre, is to do the same.

The world is at an inflection point. We do not have the luxury to remain morally complacent or indifferen­t to this inhumanity. Hamas and its supporters, the other terror groups, and the Iranian regime stand firmly on the side of darkness and evil. Hamas must be uprooted and eradicated along with those who support and extol their barbaric aims.

In the aftermath of the carnage in Israel, the worst elements of civil society now seek to justify and rationaliz­e the brutality. For example, students on some of America’s most prominent university campuses, including Harvard University,

issued letters of support for Hamas, blaming Israel for the carnage. The Chicago chapter of Black Lives Matter, an organizati­on whose founding charter calls for the eradicatio­n of Zionism and the Jewish State, praised Hamas. Just this past week, there were reports of an over-300% increase in antisemiti­c incidents towards Jews inside Great Britain. In Sydney, Australia, there was a very large crowd enthusiast­ically chanting “burn the Jews.”

When asked on Capitol Hill this week as to whether she had any comment regarding the beheading and burning alive of Jewish children by Hamas, Congresswo­man Rashida Tlaib of Michigan was silent, refusing repeatedly to condemn the barbarism.

When Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC questioned former Palestinia­n Liberation Organizati­on spokespers­on Diana Buttu about the murder, rape, decapitati­on, and mutilation of Jews by Hamas, Buttu countered that Mitchell was not putting the issue “in the right political context.” Pressed further, she said, “I’m not the one doing it, so it shouldn’t be me to comment on it.” Is she in lockstep with the agenda of Hamas or grotesquel­y sympatheti­c to it?

Israel and the Jewish people are at war with the forces of barbarism, the Nazis of our time, and with those who sponsor and extol their efforts. There can be no proportion­ate response to such evil, no accommodat­ion for genocidal movements. Victory must be assured for the benefit of Israel, most of its Arab neighbors, and much of the world.

The question remains: On which side of the arc of history does humanity stand?

 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? THE WRITER speaks at the annual Jerusalem Post Conference held in New York City in 2019.
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) THE WRITER speaks at the annual Jerusalem Post Conference held in New York City in 2019.

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