The Jerusalem Post

The battle over the ‘kidnapped’ flyers


The hundreds of flyers lining the walls of the Union Square subway station bore the faces of Israeli hostages, with the word “kidnapped” in bold letters above the photo and a plea to bring them home below.

“Entire Israeli family,” one of the pages said; “80-yearold Israeli grandfathe­r,” read another. Others showed the faces of teenagers, a young couple or migrant workers, all missing and believed to be held by Hamas in Gaza.

But some of the posters were also hard to make out. Within minutes or hours of going up, many of them had been partially ripped off the subway station’s walls, tears obscuring the victims’ faces or details about their lives, while others were defaced with marker or surrounded by messages such as “Free Palestine.” Others were removed because of city regulation­s.

This week, the walls of New York City’s subway stations, campus buildings and other public spaces — along with those of other cities across the globe — have been plastered with the posters, a grassroots campaign to raise awareness of the roughly 200 hostages Hamas captured in its Oct. 7th attack on Israel. The fast-spreading initiative has given an outlet to supporters of Israel abroad who feel frustrated by their inability to aid the war effort and isolated by their distance from the fighting.

Yet the posters have also become one more front in the battle for public opinion on the war – with opponents of Israel tearing down the posters, berating the activists and launching a counter-campaign highlighti­ng Palestinia­n losses.

“We wanted to put the message out there. We wanted the world to know,” said one of the creators of the “Kidnapped From Israel” project, an Israeli street artist who goes by the nom de plume Dede Bandaid. “Every place they will tear them down, we will put up many, many more.”

Bandaid and his partner, Israeli artist Nitzan Mintz, were in New York on a threemonth art residency when the war broke out. Within a day of Hamas’s attack, they decided to put their skills as street artists to use by designing and printing out the flyers. Initially, they printed 2,000, taped them up around the city, and tried to enlist the help of passersby,

most of whom dismissed the project.

“We felt that people don’t want to know the stories, and it made us very sad,” Bandaid said. “We got home and we were very broken, and we thought, ‘There’s no chance to make this project work.’”

They then posted a DropBox folder with the flyers on social media and collapsed into sleep. “When we woke up in the morning, our phones were just filled with photos and videos from people sharing what they were doing,” Bandaid said. “The whole city was filled with posters.”

THE PROJECT spread online, overwhelmi­ng their DropBox capacity, so they set up a website where anyone could download the images and began receiving requests for translatio­ns from abroad. There are now posters in more than a dozen languages, including Greek, Romanian, Finnish and Indonesian, as well as campaigner­s dispersing the posters in far-flung locations such as Paris, New Zealand and Prague. Bandaid estimates that around 1,000 activists took up the initiative in Berlin.

Celebritie­s including


Gadot have gone on board, posting the images on social media; other campaigner­s have adapted the flyers, projecting them onto the sides of buildings or putting them on billboards or on digital truck displays in New York City and elsewhere. WhatsApp groups created earlier this year by Israeli expatriate­s to coordinate protests against Israel’s judicial overhaul now feature call-outs to put up the posters.

“I feel like for me to start with this campaign, I needed that, not just for my own people, but also for myself to feel to be part of a community,” said Israel artist Ronit Levin Delgado, who connected with Mintz through mutual friends in the art world. “For me as an Israeli, with all my family in Israel, that’s the only thing I can do right now because I cannot be there.”

To obtain consent to use the photos, Bandaid and Mintz work with a designer in Israel, Tal Huber, who contacts the families of the hostages to obtain their pictures and identify details. Around 100 of the 200 hostages are featured on the flyers. Some of the families have reached out to the artists, asking that their loved ones be

included in the campaign. Others, after receiving notice that their loved ones were killed, have asked that their photos be removed.

“The idea of being kidnapped, the idea of wanting someone to have his freedom, I think it’s a very strong message, and I think many people believe in that,” Bandaid said. “We just lit the match, but everyone took it to their own end.”

Levin Delgado, who lost a friend from the artist community in Hamas’s massacre of 260 people, assembled with several dozen other activists, mostly Israelis, at Union Square to post the images in and around the subway station on Monday night. She said the group put up 2,000 posters in four hours, and part of their goal was to interact with passersby, some of whom stopped to ask about the project.

One young woman stopped on her way down to the station platform to ask Levin Delgado about the flyers. “They’re taking everyone, no mercy for anyone. Women, children,” Levin Delgado told her. “We just want to raise awareness and bring them back.”

The woman appeared sympatheti­c. “I heard about what’s

going on, but I wasn’t sure specifical­ly. I didn’t know about the hostages,” she said. “I’ll definitely share it. I’ll take a picture.”

But almost as soon as the posters went up – in some cases, within minutes – many were torn down, leaving glue marks and tattered paper on the station walls.

Levin Delgado noticed pro-Palestinia­n activists pasting messages around hostage flyers posted outside the station. The pro-Palestinia­n posters featured the Palestinia­n flag or a photo of a Palestinia­n captioned “Murdered” and “Stop the oppression.” They appeared to be an imitation of the Israeli flyers.

In some cases, the words “Free Palestine” were written in black marker on the Israeli hostage posters. Others bore the image of a Palestinia­n-American boy killed in Illinois on Monday.

Levin Delgado confronted the pro-Palestinia­n activists, concerned they were removing the Israeli posters, and they got into a heated exchange about the conflict.

“We have almost 2,000 that got murdered,” Levin Delgado said.

“We have millions over the last many years,” one of the pro-Palestinia­n activists responded – a significan­t exaggerati­on of the Palestinia­n death toll throughout the history of the conflict. The pro-Palestinia­n activists declined to be interviewe­d by the New York Jewish Week.

Tensions remained high, but the two sides finally agreed to leave each other’s posters alone. The verbal sparring continued, however, and minutes later, a passerby tore down another Israeli hostage poster and threatened to punch Levin Delgado when she addressed the incident.

NOT ALL posters were removed for ideologica­l reasons. Some came off subway station walls due to Metropolit­an Transporta­tion Authority policy, which bars putting unauthoriz­ed signs up on MTA property. An MTA spokespers­on said staff remove any posters they see while making their rounds, adding that they were allowed elsewhere. Activists have posted them on street light poles, walls and other public spaces.

Union Square isn’t the only place where the posters have sparked debate. At New York

University, just blocks away, the campus group Students Supporting Israel posted photos online of the posters being thrown in the trash and of people holding bunches of the crumpled, torn posters in their arms.

Ari Axelrod, an American Jewish actor, director and singer, said police had politely removed some of the flyers he helped put up at Columbus Circle on Monday. Axelrod was just leaving the roundabout’s subway station when he came across a group of Israelis and offered to join them. A pro-Palestinia­n activist then barged in and started tearing down the flyers, Axelrod said.

“This guy just comes up and says, ‘Put up all the faces of the Palestinia­n hostages of the past 75 years,’” Axelrod said. “He kept talking, saying, ‘You’re supporting genocide. You’re supporting ethnic cleansing.’”

The pro-Palestinia­n activist left the scene to summon police, who told the Israelis that the signs were not allowed on MTA property. One of the Israelis, who had put up the posters, asked that only police or MTA officers remove the flyers so they would not be “desecrated” by others.

“The cops were very understand­ing. ‘We get why you’re doing it, we understand, but it has to come down,’” Axelrod said, quoting the police. “The police said, ‘We’ll stand guard, we’ll leave it up for a little bit and make sure nobody else takes it down.’”

Axelrod said he watched the police as they surveyed the posters, reading the names and looking at the pictures.

“One of the police officers said, ‘Four years old. Jesus,’” before he started removing the posters, Axelrod said.

The group of Israelis headed back up to the sidewalk, where the person who had directed the effort to hang the posters broke down in tears.

Back downtown, after clashing with rival activists, some of the Israelis continued hanging up the posters. Levin Delgado, still toting a bag of flyers and glue, made a last lap around Union Square to check how many remained on the wall. At a staircase down to the subway, she was elated to find a row of posters nearly intact, but then noticed two freshly-drawn swastikas on the opposite white-tile wall. She sprayed the hate symbols with glue and pasted an image of a kidnapped Israeli family on top.

(New York Jewish Week)

 ?? (Brian Snyder/Reuters) ?? FLYERS READING ‘Kidnapped’ and showing Israelis taken hostage by Hamas are posted on a public notice board at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachuse­tts, last week.
(Brian Snyder/Reuters) FLYERS READING ‘Kidnapped’ and showing Israelis taken hostage by Hamas are posted on a public notice board at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachuse­tts, last week.

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