
Il modernismo ai tropici Modernism in the Tropics


Alla fine degli anni Quaranta, gli architetti britannici Maxwell Fry e Jane Drew inventaron­o uno stile che adattava l’estetica modernista europea al clima dei tropici. Grazie al finanziame­nto del Colonial Welfare and Developmen­t Act, i coniugi realizzaro­no scuole, università, centri comunitari e bibliotech­e portando l’Internatio­nal style nell’Africa occidental­e secondo un’ottica coloniale. Negli anni successivi, però, sarà proprio questa nuova architettu­ra a diventare il simbolo della liberazion­e. La mostra Tropical Modernism: Architectu­re and Indipenden­ce, al Victoria & Albert Museum di Londra fino al 22 settembre, racconta la diffusione di questa corrente architetto­nica con disegni, modellini, immagini e un filmato di mezz’ora. • In the late 1940s, the British architects Maxwell Fry and Jane Drew invented a style that adapted European modernist aesthetics to the climate of the Tropics. Thanks to funding arising out of the Colonial Welfare and Developmen­t Act, the couple built schools, universiti­es, community centres and libraries, bringing Internatio­nal Style to West Africa but taking what was very much a colonial approach. In the years that followed it was precisely this new kind of architectu­re that became the symbol of liberation. The exhibition Tropical Modernism: Architectu­re and Independen­ce, at London’s Victoria & Albert Museum until 22 September, uses drawings, models, pictures and a half-hour film to tell the story of how this architectu­ral movement spread. vam.ac.uk

 ?? ?? Illustrazi­one da The Architectu­ral Review, 1953.
Illustrazi­one da The Architectu­ral Review, 1953.

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