
[ diverso ]


At the end of August, a final analysis saw Italy leading the furniture sector with a turnover of 10 billion US dollars – yet, 80% of raw materials in Italy are imported. In a similar vein, Italy produced 25% of global turnover in the tanning sector – yet, it imports nearer 90% of raw ch7F/VhEf V, 7pVf h/Fh 7p15gp 7pVf ih7h w15Ei hEf1 -F IVFyFi yV7p 31fV7VIF w1,fViF/h7V1, & 7Ff3V7F -FV,g 7pF EFhiV,g 7FP7VEF ch,5dhw75/F/ 1, 7pF 3Eh,F7 ypF, V7 w1cFf 71 7FP7VEFf ,1 raw materials are grown in Italy – not cotton, not linen, not silk. The little Italian wool that we i1 3/1i5wF Vf w1,fViF/Fi fFw1,i /h7F ypVEF pFc3 Vf 1,Es h d575/F 31ffV-VEV7s d1/ ,1y& 8hwp whfF phf V7f h/g5cF,7 -57 1,F dhw7 /FchV,f wEFh/2 7hEs i1Ff ,17 3/1i5wF V7f 1y, /hy ch7F/VhEf& The national GDP is held up by a label – Made in Italy. In the textile and other industries, this label has lost its value due to the lack of rigor in its requiremen­ts – but worse still, it appears 7ph7 ph/iEs h,s7pV,g ehiF V, 7hEs 1/VgV,h7Fi pF/F& tpVf Vf 7hEVh, f1VE f1VE 7ph7 c5f7 -F protected and to which CO2 must be put back. We are made of carbon and to carbon we will /F75/, f1 7ph7 d/1c 7pF 8h/7p ,Fy ch77F/ wh, -F 3/1i5wFi&

tpF w1,wF37 1d nlnb vs vrvbp Vf FI1EIV,g V,71 7pF w1,wF37 1d ba snt a s p – a pragmatic, as much as a virtual, counterpar­t in the blockchain. Cryptocurr­encies and NFTs are all part of

7pF fhcF 713Vw2 V,7FEEFw75hE h,i c1/hE p1,Ff7s h,i 7/hwFh-VEV7s& N533Es wphV, p1,Ff7s h,i traceabili­ty is opposed to an unregulate­d marketplac­e that can evade territoria­l legislatio­ns. tpF 7V7EF 1d 7pVf Vff5F Vf iFiVwh7Fi 71 p1,Ff7s h,i h, 7hEVh, y1/i 7ph7 hEc1f7 ch7wpFf V7f 8,gEVfp 7/h,fEh7V1, vy anu& 7 Vf h y1/i 7ph7vf Vc3EVFi /FdF/F,wF Vf yV7pV, 7pF w1,7FP7 1d gF,iF/ and human diversity, of issues of inclusiven­ess – these are the commitment­s of dtuus – ypVwp h7 7pFV/ w1/F w1cF i1y, 71 a nt b& Ff3Fw7 Vf 7pF /F3/VFIF -F7yFF, 5f h,s1,F yp1 thinks differentl­y from us, and, above all else, anyone who is different from us. Respect can /Fhwp 157 h,i 715wp 15/ p5ch, w1,7/hiVw7V1,f 15/ 3fswp1E1gV­whE wphfcf 15/ V,h-VEV7s 71 accept ourselves. I was perhaps sixteen years old when I first discovered a quote by ;1dch,,f7phE V, pVf uui u av s n /FEFhfFi V, )1 h,i 35-EVfpFi V, 7hEs -s 4iFE3pV V, )10(2 tb dlnb v s a s b nla & d /Ff3Fw7 V, hEE V7f p5ch, w1c3EFPV7s can reach every depth – what do we find on the surface? We can agree that it is with honesty 7ph7 yF hwwFff /Ff3Fw7&

SF h/F iVddF/F,7 yF yh,7 71 -F iVddF/F,7& N7h/7V,g yV7p 7pF fchEE 7pV,gf2 ypF7pF/ 1/ ,17 yF 75/, 7pF 7h3 1dd ypVEF -/5fpV,g 15/ 7FF7p ypF7pF/ 1/ ,17 yF wp11fF d/5V7 7ph7 w1cFf d/1c local farmers at the market, whether or not we are willing to spend a little more to help those working nearby. These are the seemingly insignific­ant gestures that build politics.

Then there are the big things: respect for those who work to protect us, respect for those who give us work despite not having enough themselves, respect for those who work for us, respect for those who believe in our work. Italy’s Constituti­on is founded on labor – the minimum V,w1cF g5h/h,7FFi -s 7pF 7hEVh, f7h7F Vf h /FcFis -57 1,F yV7p 711 ch,s fViF FddFw7f& 4d7F/ the pandemic and this summer’s high temperatur­es, it’s time for a day of reckoning. Changing the logic of industrial production on our planet is not viable – stopping plastic production or cleaning the oceans would take decades, but removing microplast­ics from the water is impossible. In the countrysid­e we see factories instead of fields, expanses of land that have been depleted instead of regenerate­d. We think the problem lies in cities but, in reality, it lies in the countrysid­e – in the degenerati­on of the soil. Unfortunat­ely, the word ua nb bvus Vf -FgV,,V,g 71 -F w1,fViF/Fi V//FEFIh,7 i5F 71 h, FPwFff 1d V,d1/ch7V1, -hfFi 1, cVfEFhiV,g ,5c-F/f V,f7Fhi 1d 1, 7pF h57p1/V7s 1d 7pF wph,,FEf 1, ypVwp V7 Vf /F31/7Fi& ;1yFIF/2 yF need to remind ourselves that planting trees is the first concrete thing we can all do today.

i tav vs vy anvbp It almost sounds like a nursery rhyme. To be different – to want to be different – means to be honest. You are different from the idea you have of yourself – you must accept this and you must respect this. Worse or better, it doesn’t matter. You are just different from who you think you are. Don’t dismiss your questions, your uncertaint­ies, your doubts – don’t run away out of fear or longing. You are as beautiful as the world intended you to be. As a child, when making the sign of the Holy Cross, I was always unsure as to whether I should bring my hand to the right or the left after touching my chest. I now know that I don’t have to think about it, that it’s okay, because you are here – and the hand knows where V7 phf 71 g1&

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