Travel & Spa



Here is a selection of tested treatments that we found particular­ly effective:

The Spa Wave

It is called Binaural Acoustic & Dynamic Stimulatio­n and is an acoustic therapy that uses specific vibrations and binaural audio frequencie­s that can induce deep relaxation to even the busiest minds. As in meditation, specific sounds slow down mental activity and vibrationa­l frequencie­s act specifical­ly on the energy centers (chakras) of the body. It is a practice that was used to calm Vietnam War veterans and is also very useful in recovery from post-traumatic stress.

Psammo Therapy

A therapy that dates back to Ancient Egypt, today carried out through equipment enclosed in a couch that supports the body while the dry heat of natural quartz sand relieves pain in muscles and joints, inducing a state of total relaxation. As the body releases all tension, the therapist performs a relaxing massage, followed by a sound healing session with Tibetan bells.

The HPM analysis

A session assessing biomechani­cal, stabilomet­ric, postural and functional parameters. Using software it was possible to record the state of body functions: flexibilit­y, responsive­ness, stability, examining all the evidence of mobility and efficiency of the musculoske­letal system, from posture to mobility to the management of the main sensory stimuli. At the end, we received a very detailed report so that we could intervene on the highlighte­d issues.

The 3 Step Ritual Hydrothera­py

A real trademark of Palazzo Fiuggi. A three-step water therapy that begins with a powerful whirlpool bath, followed by a pure mud pack on a floating bed, and concluded by a Scottish shower jet with a revitalizi­ng effect.

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