VOGUE (Italy)

Opinions: By Angelo Flaccavent­o, Vanessa Friedman, Anders Christian Madsen, Suzy Menkes and Sarah Mower

- By Angelo Flaccavent­o Weltanscha­uung.

F iv eyear sa reworth fifty year sin fashion. L on g-termf ore cast salmost alwaysprov et obewholly inaccurate or spectacula­rly off-topic in these cases, as the reality of the situation exceeds, or savagely quashes, any fantasy. It is therefore hard to tel l if men’s fashion shows will still exist with their respective fashion weeks in f ive years’ time. They could be entirely swallowed up by co-ed shows hosted in other calendars, or even replaced by new means and formats.

From a narrative and strategic perspectiv­e, this would scarcely be a good thing. Men’s fashion, which is constraine­d within stricter material and iconograph­ic boundaries compared to womenswear, is reduced to a mere appendix in coed shows, shr i nking t he space to develop penetratin­g visions that are so necessary, vital and indispensa­ble. The alternativ­e tools – videos, performanc­es and Instagram post s – are somehow ineffectiv­e.

The s how rema i ns t he per f ect medium, as it is the only one that can transform the goods into a sociocultu­ral represent at ion, act i vat i ng t hem i n a dimension of enter t ainment t hat produces a f lood of feelings – a sense of identif ication f irst of a l l.

Today, at a time when the experience is given key importance in the promotion of anything, from products to aesthetics, this validity is if possible twofold. The fashion show is an experience to the nth degree, organised as a ritual in which the pathos of anticipati­on is f leetingly satisf ied by the swift performanc­e, whose conclusion is never really conclusive but leaves us yearning for more. Worn on living and moving bodies, clothes come alive on the catwalk, going from inert objects to vehicles of thought, agitation and ref lection.

The runway also obliges an exercise in editing that helps to structure and sharpen the message, breaking up into an abundance of material and immaterial spores that continue to germinate for a long time. Lastly, in a world that has knocked down e very b arrier, r unways preserve a semblance of exclusivit­y that constitute­s an added value.

Shows are therefore all but irrepl acetable, unless devilish product placement - with fashion-making currently flattened on its horizon - manages to supplant the filter of profession­als and reach the consuming public directly via specifical­ly cal ibrated means. Progress, however, is not such a brutal and predictabl­e commercial transactio­n.

Only visions can grasp and shape needs, generating culture precisely around consumpt ion, which, wi l l i ng or not, is the keystone of the capitalist

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