VOGUE (Italy)


- Emanuele Farneti

L’ Uomo isaseri es ofshorts tori est ha tall be ginwithth esame words-“the man” - and then each lead to unexpected places: you can open a door, choose a path, and in an instant you’re no longer the man, L’Uomo, you were before.

L’Uomo is the embrace of two athletes, or a wounded soldier being tended toan dc aredf or bythe on eh el oves.

L’Uomo is Lou Reed with his mir rored sunglasses, or the clear-eyed gaze of a short-haired girl, or a photograph­er in his wooden cabin before the oc ean,orPharrell­W il liamsd resse d in anAr mani suit.

L’Uomo is f ive fashion stories, each with dif ferent settings, protagonis­ts and clothes - because there cannot be just one Uomo: there is no single style orso lewayto liv einthiswor­ld.

L’Uomo is one of the few internatio­nal magazines that has accompanie­d, witnessed, and in certain cases inf luenced consumptio­n and l ifestyles over th el ast50years. In Italyan dar oundthewor­ld.Fro mI talytothew­orld. L’ Uomo is go ingto be differente very time, everyis sue special. L’Uomo is three magazines in one: culture, fashion and objects. It features the most relevant voices in style reporting; it showcases f ive women photograph­erss ho otingf iv ed ifferent covers.

L’Uomo is the creation of many: all the women and men who have contribute­d to it over these past 50 years - and al l those who are now starting to write a new chapter in its history. Every magazine that emerges, or re-emerges, is a smal l piece of good news: a voice that is added to the conversati­on, or freshly returned to it. This issue is for al l those people - men and women - who have let us know L’Uomo was something t hey’ve been missing.

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