VOGUE (Italy)



Valeri Leonidovic­h Volkov, my father, was a sea captain who travelled all over the world in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s on several cargo ships. He went everywhere: Japan, the US, Australia, European countries. At that time there was the Soviet Iron Curtain, which for us meant a general inability to travel to foreign countries. It’s funny to look back, because he used to bring cases of goods that were impossible to find in Russia: Coca-Cola, the cult and forgotten Choco-Pie, denim jeans, the latest Western fashions for my mother, tapes and video cassettes for my brother, Japanese sweets and toys. I remember he was very proud of his captain’s uniform: white for summer and navy for winter. He cherished it and it was sacred to him, as a symbol of the profession he began when he turned 15 years old. Completely in secrecy from his mother, he jumped on a train from his native Omsk to Vladivosto­k, just to follow his dream and achieve it. He was a very adventurou­s person, able to bring any situation under his control and turn it to his favour. He was at the heart of every get-together or social occasion, and he was a great entertaine­r with a million true stories and anecdotes to tell. I guess his influence on me was that openness and excitement towards discoverin­g the world, making the entire world your playground, never letting distances stop you, that addiction to travel and seeing places. I remember he was the one who accompanie­d me to Moscow when I was making my move to London, at 17 years old. I remember it well because afterwards he often mentioned that he couldn’t quite believe it was happening until I literally went through customs at the airport. He always believed in me and never questioned my choices. Daddy supported me fully.

Lotta Volkova is a fashion editor and creative consultant.

 ??  ?? Lotta Volkova, aged 7, in her father’s arms, in their house in Vladivosto­k.
Lotta Volkova, aged 7, in her father’s arms, in their house in Vladivosto­k.

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