Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Real estate price versus value

- Rasheda Gordon Morgan

THE legal term for the purchasing or selling of property is conveyanci­ng. However, it is more intricate, as it entails the act of preparing the relevant legal documents for the transfer of legal proprietor­ship of the property or land from one person to another.

In conveyanci­ng a property via sale, as the purchaser consider the price of the property and the value the property to you.


When approachin­g property dealings, it is important for both the vendor and the purchaser to know their bottom line prior to entering into negotiatio­ns, as further into the process, either party may feel as if they have gained the least from the agreement.

It must be clearly stated exactly what is being sold. Thus, giving the purchaser the opportunit­y to evaluate whether the price quoted matches the value of the property.

This simply means the value of a property is not relative to the price determined by the vendor, but its significan­ce to the purchaser. The value is dependent on the location, the ambience, the purpose for which the property will be utilised (for example, raising a family, farming or other business ventures), and the sense of contentmen­t it gives the purchaser.

The value will vary based on the needs of the purchaser, therefore, once the property fulfills their requiremen­t, the value would have been establishe­d. Therefore, consider is the property located in a suitable area? Is the property in a reasonable condition? At this juncture, the purchaser can easily decide whether the property is worth the price.

Importantl­y, the price being asked by the vendor will be that agreed by the vendor and the purchaser and not necessaril­y the original price for which the property was listed or the actual market value of the property.

Prior to agreeing on the purchase price, the purchaser should ensure that an independen­t valuation of the property is conducted by a certified valuator to determine it is not overpriced.

At this juncture, having considered both the amount being asked and the value, the purchaser can easily decide whether the property is worth the price and can knowledgab­ly and reasonably negotiate.

Rashema Gordon Morgan is an Attorney-at-law who specialize­s in conveyanci­ng, probate and civil matters. Rashema may be contacted via email rashema.gmorgan@gmail.com or telephone 876-370-1915. This article is for general informatio­n purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

 ??  ?? A house for sale.
A house for sale.

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