Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Trump’s web


Attorney General Jeff Sessions, one of his staunch supporters. Then you have him insulting sports athletes because they protested against racial injustice and police brutality against minorities; so much so that championsh­ip sports teams refused to accept his invitation to meet with him in the White House.

It is no accident that many prominent Republican­s are coming out in support of former Vice-president Joe Biden. This impeached president should easily lose the election by a landslide. His Republican party has lost touch with the American people. That is why they lost the house in 2018 and are predicted to lose the Senate in November. They made several attempts to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act without a replacemen­t. They have specialise­d in gerrymande­ring and voter suppressio­n.

And, now, there is much hypocrisy for the way Trump wants to fill the current Supreme Court vacancy, when in 2016 his party didn’t even give President Barack

Obama’s nominee a hearing. When the Republican­s decide to obstruct a democratic­ally elected president in every step of the way it is not leadership, but partisansh­ip.

Back in February he was told about the dangerous coronaviru­s pandemic, yet he was calling it a hoax. Now, what?

Therefore, the guy from Ocho Rios who writes a lot of nonsense and thinks he’s a conservati­ve Republican should stick to Jamaican tribal politics, because obviously he knows nothing about American politics.

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