Daily Observer (Jamaica)



There are some people in this country who believe that their voices, their views, and their positions are the only ones that must be honoured and respected.

The elements believe that once your opinion differs from theirs, then you ought to be feathered and tarred, or even burnt at the stake. But they can continue to live their miserable lives thinking that they are supreme.

The worst among them are those aligned to political people, or into politics itself … they are like puppets, stooges, and often run off their mouths when the people they support are placed under the microscope. Some of them will even want to frighten journalist­s into submission – threatenin­g to launch demonstrat­ions, boast about legal action, blab about lobbying corporate companies to boycott advertisin­g on newspaper pages, television screens, or radio frequencie­s, and chat endlessly without any foundation whatsoever.

But they are weaklings, trying to prey on legitimate profession­als, all because they do not have their way in controllin­g the headspace of people who read from a religious book different from theirs.

Those individual­s will be around until the Great Architect of the Universe determines otherwise. But level-headed people should not allow such ungodly souls to derail their plans to speak out on things which warrant that treatment.

Fighting the good fight with all thy might is one contest the righteous will never lose. As for myself, those who think that I should shut up, because my views do not correspond with theirs, will not succeed. I can never be silenced.

So those political people and others had better stop wasting their time trying to gag me. It just will not work.

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