Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian­s account for a third of road traffic fatalities.

- - Road Safety Unit Ministry of Transport and Mining

These fatalities can be avoided by pedestrian­s taking necessary precaution­s:

1. Cross at spots where there are stop signs, traffic lights, crosswalks and where all vehicular traffic in visible.

2. Stay on the sidewalk (if available) when walking. If there are no adequate sidewalks, walk on the right side against traffic so you can see motorists oncoming.

3. Don’t use cellphones or other distractin­g gadget such as MP3’S when walking.

4. Staying alert for vehicles turning, vehicle running the red light. Do not start to cross until all traffic has stopped.

5. When crossing at locations without signals, cross the street one lane at a time. Cross into the next lane only when it is safe to do so.

6. Look right, left and then right again for traffic before crossing a crosswalk. Never assume that a vehicle is going to stop for you.

7. Wear light or bright coloured clothing at night, avoid dark coloured clothing, especially at dusk and at nights.

8. Use pedestrian overhead bridges where provided. 9. When travelling in large groups walk in a single file (one behind the other) along the roadway if no side walk in available. 10. Pedestrian of different ages are at risk in different situations and for different reasons as follows:

Age of Pedestrian Risk Factors:

• 1 to 2 years Reversing or backing-up

• 3 to 9 years dart out - don’t know the rules

• 10 to 14 years Dart out - know the rules but don’t always follow them

• Adults Alcohol/ Drugs/inattentio­n/ Distractio­n

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