Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Lyrics, liquor, ludes, loving, lies

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She’s beautiful And therefore to be wooed; She is a woman Therefore to be won. Shakespear­e

Women are to be wooed, women are to be sought after, women are to be seduced, and if not, hold dung and tek whey. At least back in the old days that was the common thought and practice, and the women didn’t seem to mind it too. If they weren’t singled out and seduced, they’d end up as spinsters, old maids, left on the shelf of loneliness, never to be touched by a man.

So it was by mutual agreement that men pursued women and seduced them. Alas, those days seem to have gone, and with them the art of seduction. Instead, women have come into their own, found their voice, and do not need to be seduced.

Now they take the bull by the horns, have no need of the bull that horny men spew their way, and have their own agenda.

“Man nuh look women anymore, is woman look man now.”

But not in all cases, and because men have lost this art of seduction, many resort to the five Ls lyrics, liquor, ludes, loving and lying.

The lying part is shared by both sexes, as we’ll find out right after these responses to ‘Sex in the Church’.

Hello Tony,

There is indeed hypocrisy in the church in matters sexual. I believe God is causing exposure and judgement for our folly.

Peace and love.


Hi Tony,

It is a sad situation where mothers of girls who are sexually abused by their parson try to cover up the crime and side with the parson. Many congregati­ons are run by charismati­c clergy in a manner similar to that of a cult where the congregati­on is brainwashe­d and where the parson can do no wrong. I have no doubt that some women and young girls in the congregati­on submit willingly to the parson, thinking that they are doing the Lord’s work. Those abused folks are the ones who need real counsellin­g, but not by that parson.


‘A woman will sometimes forgive the man who tries to seduce her, but never the man who misses the opportunit­y when offered.’ — so said Frenchman Charles Maurice Detalleyra­nd back in the 17th century. But as I pointed out earlier, that was when women were party to the whole game the cut and thrust, bob and weave, feint and parry of seduction.

Now the art has been lost, so men resort to whatever means, fair or foul, that are possible to get the woman to submit sexually. There’s the lyrics, the liquor, the ludes, the loving and the lying. The first is pretty much straightfo­rward, for some men are still blessed with the gift of the gab, sweet mouth as we call it in Jamaica. They are silky smooth of tongue and roll off the words more convincing than a politician right before an election.

They meet the woman and sing her praises that even the angels would fold their wings and listen.

“Baby, you are the sun and I am the moon and the stars in your eyes complete my universe.”

Hey, maybe you have seen the funny clips on Youtube where this smooth guy is constantly sweet talking this church lady, Mrs Johnson.

“Mrs Johnson, I will rock your world, I will give you complete satisfacti­on, I will put your hips in my rotation, I will make your dreams become a revolution.”

Lyrics to melt the heart of many women, if they are up to it.

Nowadays men wax lyrical about what they have, where they live and what car they drive. It often works too and is like catnip to some women who simply cannot resist. After that comes the liquor, and the old saying may just be true, ‘Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.’ Oh yes, just give the woman a few drinks and you’re in for two sets of loose lips. Remember the old saying, ‘Loose lips sink ships.’ Well, liquor does loosen the lips and your ship will set sail on the next high tide.

They do say though, that drunk people do things that they really wanted to do when they were sober. So think about that. If that doesn’t work, and you want to step it up a notch, there are ludes. Maybe you are wondering what ludes are, well, it’s the slang name for Quaaludes, a narcotic, a drug that people get high on.

Ludes were every popular in America, but I’m sure that it slipped into our society at one time or another, especially in the ‘tapanris’ class. Apart from ludes, there are other types of drugs such as ecstasy, molly, cocaine, heroin, and, of course, our very own ganja. In most instances, these drugs are taken by both partners by mutual consent, as it’s perceived that a more enhanced sexual experience is had if you’re high.

Some people go for beer or stout, others for rum and coke, but the real hard core go for the hard drugs. Sadly though, some men get women to take these drugs without their knowledge, slip it into their drinks at some point during the evening, then have their way with them.

Date rape drugs are a big thing nowadays, and women are advised not to leave their drinks unattended at any social function. The street name for one such drug is roofie, named after the drug Rohypnol, a very potent tranquilis­er that causes muscle relaxation and amnesia.

“I don’t know what happened to me last night, one minute I was talking to this guy, next morning I woke up naked in his bed.”

“You got roofied.”

Which segues right into the next L, loving, or more specifical­ly sex. After all the Ls, the ultimate goal is sex, and in most cases it happens without having to use the lost art of seduction.

But let’s take away the date rape component and focus on the other aspects. In most cases the woman is a willing participan­t and will go as far as she wants to go. The fact is, many women place themselves in questionab­le and compromisi­ng positions then expect that nothing is going to happen.

They say that if you put cream at puss mout, him going to lick it. My question is, why do these women go to men’s apartments, houses, or hotel rooms at midnight or even later? What do they think they’re going to participat­e in, a game of Scrabble? Now, I respect the woman’s right to say no whenever she sees fit, but again I ask, why place yourself in a compromisi­ng position then cry after?

American comedian Bill Cosby has been released from prison on a legal technicali­ty. He was alleged to have drugged and raped over 60 women, but was only charged for one allegation. There may have been more women, but 60 came forward. That’s a lot of women to fall for the same ruse.

Now, if he really drugged and raped these women, he was wrong to do so, for that is sick. But did he really, were they all drugged unwittingl­y and unknowingl­y? Remember I said that many couples take drugs to enhance the sexual experience. Did all of these women fall prey to this sexual mastermind, and the word didn’t get around, not one complaint, not one whistle blown?

And again I ask the question, why did they go to this man’s room in the dead of night, knowing who he was and also that he’s married, then cry rape 20 years after that encounter? Some say that they were afraid to speak up. Afraid of what? What could be more serious than what was alleged to have happened?

Ladies, I ask you, would you meet one of our celebritie­s, politician­s, DJS, comedians, at the Pegasus or Marriot hotel after midnight in their room to discuss your career? Well, would you? Maybe some of these women had ulterior motives and wanted something out of the encounter, but perhaps when their dreams weren’t realised they cried rape 29 years later.

Boxer Mike Tyson entertaine­d a woman in his room all night where he said they had sex, put her in a taxi after, and she accused him of rape. He spent three years in prison.

And then the last L, the lies. The Me Too Movement in the USA, I’m sure, means well for many aggrieved women. But there’s a chance that men’s lives can be destroyed by false allegation­s. If the man is offering you a business propositio­n that can impact on your career and future developmen­t, meet him for lunch in a public place, not in his hotel room at midnight. Hello, you have heard of business lunches?

Lyrics, liquor, ludes, loving, lies, which is worse? Take your pick.

More time. seido1yard@gmail.com

Footnote: The Olympics are near and many surprises are unfolding. One is the non-qualificat­ion of hurdler Omar Mcleod. I have a problem with that. I am not averse to trials, but there should be conditions. Omar is the reigning Olympic champion and has the fastest time in the world this year. Do we not want our best athletes to compete at the Olympics? Why not select the fastest times and best throws and jumps for automatic qualificat­ion? What if Shelly-ann, who is the world’s fastest woman, false-started and did not qualify, would she be omitted too, cutting off our nose to spite our face? As for karate, Jamaican Alton Brown, who ranks 14th in the world and second in the Pan American region which should make him automatic qualifier, also got a raw deal and will not go. Really sad.

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Tony Robinson

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