Daily Observer (Jamaica)

The Adventures of Alligator Anderson

- Written By: Kelile Asher, 7 years old Illustrati­on By: Kelile Asher

There was an explorer named Alligator Anderson. He travelled from island to island exploring the wonders of each island, until his boat crashed into a mysterious island. He didn’t know where he was, but creatures were lurking around the island. He explored the island searching for clues until he found something, reptile tracks.

“Who do they belong to?” he wondered. “Is it an alligator?”

“No it couldn’t’ be,” he said to himself. “Alligators don’t have talons, they have four flat feet. So what could it be?” he continued.

Alligator Anderson followed the trail and noticed that the tracks started to look more like dinosaur foot prints. Then, he saw it. It looked like a dinosaur, like a Velocirapt­or, also called Raptors. These dinosaurs are usually the size of a 4 footed turkey, but this one was different. It was bigger.

“It’s the same size as me,” he said to himself.

“Plus these animals have feathers, they look like big black ostriches. Raptors don’t have feathers,” he said in amazement.

Just then, another Raptor jumped through the bush, then another one, and another one. Wow, the first one was tiger striped, then the next one was white with grey stripes and the last one was brown. They started running towards Alligator Anderson and cornered him, but they didn’t know he was ready.

He is the Alligator Anderson. He ran for his life and climbed a tree. The Raptors lost and off they went . He then discovered that he wasn’t on just any island, he was on Island Sorna, the island of Raptors. Suddenly the earth shook. Was it an earthquake? Was it an island quake; was it an earthquake on an island? Something to destroy the island?

No, it was 17 feet tall, 40 feet long and weighed up to 6 tons. It was the mighty and fierce Tyrannosau­rus Rex (T-rex)

“Raaaaaaahh,” growled the T-rex. He cut through the trees with his jaws, he bit on anything in its path. He bit the tress with a massive force of power. Alligator Anderson didn’t know what to do, but he is the bravest man in the world. He jumped on the T-rex’s back.

With his head up to the sky, the T-rex growled, “Raaaahh,”

Alligator Anderson didn’t know that the T-rex could run up to 14 miles per hour. This means he would have to jump off its back so he didn’t fall off and hike through the tress to the thickest part of the jungle. The T-rex couldn’t fit in those small areas of the jungle so he turned away to find some other food.

While in the thick of the jungle, he found a raft hidden in the bushes, like someone left it there for him. He was very happy, this was his ticket home. He sailed away from the island and drifted off in the sea, until he saw a big cargo boat and they took him aboard. He was happy to be alive and ready for his next adventure.

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