Daily Observer (Jamaica)


Instagram and Whatsapp connects further


A new feature has arrived on Instagram, and businesses should be excited about it. Instagram has now added Whatsapp to its connection tabs on Instagram business profiles. It is another way for your customers to get in touch, spark conversati­on and facilitate a personal feel with your Instagram community.

Facebook disclosed that over 70 per cent of shoppers prefer communicat­ing with businesses via messaging on social media. So this new integratio­n is an excellent way to tap into those curious about or interested in purchasing your products.

With over two billion users across 180 countries, Whatsapp is the most popular messaging app globally, and Jamaica is no different.

Whatsapp usage in the region is high and, more often than not, the leading mobile communicat­ion method across various demographi­cs. Therefore, it is no surprise that Facebook would look to connect

Whatsapp to Instagram as they try to build it up as more of a marketplac­e. For business owners connecting your Instagram profile to

Whatsapp could open up more business from potential new clients. Targeted ads are another plus when Whatsapp boosts Instagram posts. When people click “message for more informatio­n or learn more”, they are taken directly to Whatsapp messaging, increasing customer service and providing a hands-on feel.

This Instagram-whatsapp integratio­n is not for every business. Still, if you are on the go and your business requires fast responses, this can be the best way to maintain a consistent connection with your customer base. It can also help you to out fires and concerns quickly and expedite sales at a faster pace.

However, you must consider the contact number messages go to and the additional staffing to field all inquiries and answer promptly. Neverthele­ss, the benefits far outweigh the cons, so Facebook knocks it out of the park again with this new Instagram feature.

Chelan Smith is CEO of Chelan Communicat­ions, with over 13 yrs of experience in social media she has worked with local and internatio­nal companies to implement strategy, as well as develop and solidify their digital brand voice. www.chelancomm­unications.com

 ?? ?? Younger individual­s were more inclined to get their informatio­n from sources such as social media and Whatsapp.
Younger individual­s were more inclined to get their informatio­n from sources such as social media and Whatsapp.

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