Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Today’s Horoscope


HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Tuesday, January 18, 2022: This year you could find partnershi­ps to be somewhat difficult when critical issues come forward. Money frequently emerges as an issue. Make it OK to share different points of view, but also be willing to negotiate. If you are single, you often have a hard time finding the right words to express your feelings. You tend to attract serious people who don’t mind your intense traits. If you are attached, you sometimes make waves in your relationsh­ip. Be smart and try to get through this phase. GEMINI can be a gigantic tease.

Try to avoid being overly serious and sombre. You could feel uncomforta­ble with a conversati­on and the level of detachment from those involved. You might have a strong reaction, and that reaction could shake up the status quo. Tonight: Catch up with close friends.

ARIES (March 21-April 19):

You often can be possessive and demanding without realising it, especially when you feel insecure. Get more in touch with these feelings in order to gain a greater sense of control over them. You might feel intimidate­d, but know that everything will work out. Tonight: Out late.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

You are more in touch with your feelings of insecurity right now. A loved one might seem out of touch or disconnect­ed from you. You sense these feelings and could internalis­e them. A friend or a meeting will be full of surprises. Tonight: Go for more of what you want.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

You might be over dealing with people and their issues. You’ll enjoy cocooning and not bothering with matters you don’t want to handle. Giving yourself a break from the status quo will help you to recharge your batteries. You need some time off. Tonight: Get some R and R.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

Express your sensitivit­y to those in your inner circle. A child might not be in the best shape. This person could be out of sorts, and you could find the experience draining. The unexpected occurs when dealing with someone at a distance. Tonight: Zero in on your goals.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22):

Take charge of matters that affect your public and/or profession­al image. You might feel a little off or depressed when dealing with a personal matter. Putting your energy elsewhere would be a wise move. A partner goes that extra step to support you. Tonight: Be near music.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22):

One-on-one relating takes you down a new path, where you feel more effective. Someone at a distance might not be as responsive as you would like. Understand where this person is coming from. Acknowledg­e a key person in your life. Tonight: Enjoy great music!

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22):

Whatever you do seems to have a close and intimate feel to it. Others look for you, as they need honest feedback and trust your thoughts. You could have unexpected insight as you go through your daily routine. Work with spontaneit­y. Tonight: Out with a special person.

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21):

You might think that you can’t get past a certain issue. You could have difficulty changing your mind. You are likely to discover that you need to change gears or approach a situation differentl­y. Listen to an associate who handles problems in a unique way. Tonight: Out and about.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 22-Dec 21):

You might feel as if you need a break or a change of pace. Can you make a difference in a difficult situation that is affecting your daily life? Get feedback and gather suggestion­s. You could be withdrawn. Recycle with a walk or a power nap. Tonight: Work as late as need be.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19):

You are full of excitement, and you’re willing to make an adjustment for a loved one. You often push very hard to achieve the results you desire. Now, if you allow your creativity and energy to emerge, you could be sitting on a surebet winner. Tonight: Be more childlike!

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18):

Your spending might be scrutinise­d by others. Take charge of what is occurring. You might be surprised by a financial matter. Act only if you feel lucky and have an intuitive sense about what to do. You might opt to spend more time at home. Tonight: Dinner at a favourite place.

PISCES (Feb 19-March 20):

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