Daily Observer (Jamaica)

9 foods you can eat in abundance and not gain weight


SO you like to eat — a lot. But you also need to lose weight. And the two don’t go together at all, because to lose weight, you have to eat less. What a dilemma!

But what if we told you that there’s a way to still eat a lot, and not gain weight? There are in fact some foods you can do this with, and nutritioni­st Keisha Black explains.

“Foods that will fill you up are those that are rich in protein or fibre while being low in calorie density,” she said. “You’re not generally eating until you’re full when you’re trying to lose weight, rather, you’re choosing which foods will satisfy your hunger with the least calories. But some foods will fill you up, suppress your hunger, and help you eat fewer calories throughout the day, and as such are better at satisfying your hunger and helping you to avoid overeating.”

These include:


Eggs, especially boiled eggs, are very nutritious and packed with protein. They’re also very filling. If you eat eggs for breakfast you will feel more satisfied and eat fewer calories throughout the day.


Soup, especially the broth kind like fish tea or vegetable soup, is both satisfying and filling. Eating soup reduces your calorie intake and at the same time keeps you full, especially the soups that are not cream based.


Oats are chock-full of fibre and so are very filing. The soluble fibre in oats aids your glucose absorption and digestion. Having oats will help in suppressin­g your hunger, making you feel full longer, thus reducing your calorie consumptio­n throughout the day.


High in probiotics, yoghurt helps to restrict the amount of fat your body can absorb, while providing your body with the good stuff needed to help clean up your digestive tract.


Cucumbers are mainly water, so they are low-calorie and filling. You can have as many as you want in one sitting – have them sliced with salt and pepper, or even make juice. Cucumbers also help with bloating and water retention.

Peas and beans

Beans and peas in whatever form are high in fibre and protein. They will help you manage your hunger by keeping you full longer. They are also high in potassium, iron, folate and magnesium and low in cholestero­l and fat. So stock up on your beans, peas, chickpeas

and lentils instead of meat.

Oranges and grapefruit

These have high water content, yet at the same time will satisfy your hunger when eaten in fruit form instead of juice. They’re also high in fibre which will help you feel fuller for longer and eat less.


Fish is low in calories and will keep you feeling satisfied for expended periods, especially the kind that’s high protein and omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, sardines and mackerel.


Vegetables are rich in fibre and water, which will help to keep you feeling full. Having a salad instead of a full meal, especially without dressing, will keep you satisfied.

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