Daily Observer (Jamaica)




It has been 30 years of building and cementing an indelible legacy.

Now, as the Jakes brand celebrates three unforgetta­ble decades, there is a heartwarmi­ng feeling of pride that hovers over Jason Henzell like a drone.

Chairman of Jakes Hotel Villas and Spa in Treasure Beach, St Elizabeth, Henzell sits in a chair of prestige and has been able to watch the business blossom from the front row.

“The mood is one of pride,” Henzell told the Jamaica Observer in a reflective tone.

“Our longest employee has been with us for 28 years. You can imagine, 28 years ago we had four rooms, and now we have 75 rooms, three restaurant­s, a spa, airstrip, Lovers Leap, the sports park. The list of accomplish­ments is far and wide. Pride and family are the main things,” he continued, noting that it has been a team effort to get thus far.

Before 30, there was 27, 28 and 29 – milestones that were celebrated against the backdrop of the Coronaviru­s pandemic from 2020 to 2022. Those years have been hectic for businesses across all sectors. Henzell said indubitabl­y, one takeaway for him, was empathy.

“COVID made us realise that you have to see things from the other person’s perspectiv­e.

We were having it rough, but we know that there were many other people who were having much rougher than we were. The ability to make tough decisions is something else that I learned as we decided to sell three pieces of land during COVID,” he recalled.

“I did a lot of research on the Spanish Flu. So when I saw that it lasted two years, I said to myself, this [COVID-19] could last two years too, and decided to sell some land to kind of create a little buffer zone. I have no regrets. I can look back and say I don’t regret selling those three pieces of land.”

With 28 years in the business under his belt, starting Jack Sprat Restaurant and Bar, and bringing aviation to Treasure Beach for the opening of the aerodrome have been two of the most exciting elements for Henzell.

“Another huge thing was when we secured the 17 acres of land for the sports park area and when we got the approval to lease Lovers Leap from the Government,” he told the Observer.

“We were just fortunate. The truth is that luck was on our side. I keep telling the family that we have to pay attention to how fortunate we have been and not ever take it for granted. Treasure beach has done more for me than I’ve done for it.”

To see many people from all stratum of society commending the business and holding it in high regard, Henzell said, “I think it’s very, very humbling. I believe that if you’re going to do something, just do it from your heart. I have a philosophy in life; life is about expectatio­n. When you’re doing something, do it for the right reasons and don’t second guess yourself.”

Community tourism is a stark denominato­r when one thinks about the contributi­ons of Jakes Hotel Villas and Spa. And to keep that alive, Henzell underscore­d two questions that ought to be asked whenever decisions have to be made.

“Is it good for the community and is it good for the visitors?” he said. “Most things that are good for the community also happen to be good for the visitors. If you can improve the level of teaching in your school, it means that the parents of those children are happier, and you’re turning out brighter students. We kind of came up with that methodolog­y and it’s incredibly simple. If you stick to it, you won’t go wrong.”

A turning point in the business, Henzell added, is when Digicel came to Jamaica.

“We used to have to go to Black River to make a phone call. I remember profoundly. I think that that specific moment in time also changed my business and changed how we were able to communicat­e to the world. So that was a big thing that happened in our journey as well,” he reminisced.

But what about his Order of Distinctio­n in 2019? Well, the esteemed honour was like a Category 5 hurricane in a paper factory - it left the businessma­n winded.

“I remember driving in England and my phone rang and they told me I was going to get the Order of Distinctio­n. I literally had to park the car and just take it in, because I was not in a million years thinking that such a distinctio­n would have been bestowed on me,” he told the Observer.

“And it was such an overwhelmi­ng thing, that I pulled the car off the road and just walked for like half an hour to get my thoughts together,” he said, laughing.

“It meant that much to me, because when you’re in a rural area, you’re not necessaril­y thinking that people are looking your way. So when you realise they are looking your way, it means that much more. That was a phenomenal, very pivotal moment for me,” he stated further.

Thirty years marked by great success for Jakes Hotel Villas and Spa , but undoubtedl­y, Henzell said he feels as though it is just getting warmed to go to the next level of growth. Among a larger number of plans, he looks to a developmen­t of 15 cottages – some of which will be for sale.

“We’ve brought in a lot of vendors for Treasure Beach, whether local or foreign. So I look at it as if we are like almost like a promotiona­l agency for Treasure Beach,” he said.

 ?? ?? One of Jakes first employees Boysie Blake with General Manager Coleen Powell-gordon.
One of Jakes first employees Boysie Blake with General Manager Coleen Powell-gordon.
 ?? ?? Jakes Family - staff
Jakes Family - staff
 ?? ?? Jason with “Dougie”. One of the first employees of Jakes.
Jason with “Dougie”. One of the first employees of Jakes.
 ?? ?? Jason Henzell
Jason Henzell

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