Daily Observer (Jamaica)

‘We will find you, arrest you, and ensure you face the law’

DSP warns offenders as Westmorela­nd police division achieves 77% clear-up rate for rape cases


THE Westmorela­nd Police Division has reported a 77 per cent clear-up rate for reported cases of rape. Of the 19 cases brought to its attention, 15 have been cleared, with the accused individual­s arrested and currently facing charges before the courts, the police said. In the remaining cases, the suspects have been identified but are yet to be apprehende­d. Deputy Superinten­dent of Police (DSP) Dale Reid, the crime officer for the division, attributes this increased clear-up rate to the growing confidence that residents have in the police’s ability to investigat­e and resolve these serious crimes.

“The dedication and profession­alism displayed by our officers have fostered a level of trust within the community. This trust is crucial in encouragin­g victims to come forward, knowing that their cases will be handled with the utmost diligence and sensitivit­y,” said Reid.

He further commended the efforts of the police team, stating, “I want to commend our officers for their relentless pursuit of justice. Their hard work and commitment have made a significan­t impact on the safety and security of our community. We urge more individual­s to come forward and report these crimes. Your courage helps us in our mission to make Westmorela­nd a safer place for everyone.”

Despite a slight increase in the number of reported cases, DSP Reid emphasised that this rise is indicative of the confidence citizens have in the police force.

“The increase in reported cases should not be seen as a spike in crime but rather as a reflection of the trust that the community places in our ability to address these issues. More victims are finding the courage to come forward, which is a positive step towards eradicatin­g this heinous crime.”

To would-be offenders, DSP Reid has a strong message: “We will not tolerate any form of sexual violence in our community. The Westmorela­nd police division is committed to pursuing justice with unwavering determinat­ion. If you commit these crimes, we will find you, arrest you, and ensure that you face the full extent of the law.”

Meanwhile, the police continues to encourage community cooperatio­n in reporting crimes and providing informatio­n that can aid in the swift resolution of cases.

“The combined efforts of the police and the community are essential in creating a safe and secure environmen­t for all residents. This significan­t achievemen­t in the Westmorela­nd Division highlights the importance of community trust and collaborat­ion in the fight against crime. The police force remains dedicated to maintainin­g this momentum and enhancing the safety and well-being of all citizens,” said a statement from the high command Sunday.

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