Daily Observer (Jamaica)


- Dear Editor, Sancia Campbell Cumberland, Portmore sancia.campbell@outlook.com

I am writing as a frustrated but paying customer of National Water Commission (NWC).

As I write, it has been two weeks since the passage of Hurricane Beryl. Instructiv­ely, NWC turned off the water at least two days before the hurricane hit.

While I fully understand the issues that could arise following the passage of a hurricane, NWC, in a Facebook post on Friday, July 5, announced that residents of Cumberland and other surroundin­g communitie­s in Portmore would receive water by 6:00 pm; suffice to say, no water came.

After several exchanges on Facebook, I was sent a voice message on Sunday night (July 7) purportedl­y from a member of the NWC team indicating that power outages were the cause of the continued water disruption to

the same communitie­s that they said would be up and running at 6:00 pm on July 5. This led me to ask the question: What happened to the water which was promised on Friday?

Since July 5 I have only received tricklings from my front, low pipe for an estimated total of three days. Every other day has seen a dry pipe, and by dry I mean nothing — not even in the low pipe in my front yard!

In the last few Facebook notices the excuses have ranged from chlorinati­on issues to power outages.

I just wish NWC would come clean and say exactly what the issues are.

They preach water conservati­on, but how do you conserve what you don’t have? And secondly, what are residents supposed to do with absolutely no water?

I am hoping that someone from the great and mighty NWC will see it fit to take immediate action to return water to our community. The current situation is absolutely untenable and I for one cannot endure it any longer.

 ?? ?? Some communitie­s have been without water since the passage of Hurricane Beryl.
Some communitie­s have been without water since the passage of Hurricane Beryl.

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