Jamaica Gleaner

Author bridges theology-science gap in remarkable book


seminal thesis on the beachdwell­ing bivalve mollusc, Donax.

He writes: “One of the secrets I revealed was the nature of the animal’s tidal migrations ... . The other was the range of evolutiona­ry adaptation­s which Donax had undergone in order to live successful­ly in such a difficult environmen­t ... . I discovered a species of Donax, which, in every sense, fitted into the evolutiona­ry definition of intermedia­te or transition­al species ... . God was in my science as He was in my faith.” He completed his doctoral studies “in record time”.

Clearly, Wade’s scientific pursuits do not undermine his spiritual beliefs. He’s moved by systematic theology and hermeneuti­cs. And admirably, he has not swerved for all his 45 years as an academicia­n, businessma­n and spiritual mentor. Wade is more than a Christian apologist. In fact, he rejects the doctrine of Intelligen­t Design, scoffs at Deism and inveighs against biblical literalism. “From the earliest beginnings of science as a serious discipline for describing nature,” he pens, “its primary purpose was to demonstrat­e the goodness and genius of God in creation. The revelation of God to man was, therefore, understood through both the wonders of God (the Bible) and the works of God (Nature).”


Wade dwells on God’s immanence. God’s energy is in every life form. Evolution is undeniable; cannot be negated. But so is God’s existence. In a majestic blending of science and theology, he cautions that God’s existence must not subvert another reality: the irrefutabi­lity of science. His work referees the battles between scientists and theologian­s. He does not take sides but serves as an arbitrator, a man of reason in a world where dogma has supplanted reason; faithful to the words of Albert Einstein: “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”

Later, Wade effortless­ly switches gears, donning his existentia­l garment as he explores identity and culture. But his faith is ubiquitous. It is his compass and his life force.

There is nostalgia and a palpable longing in Wade’s writing as he recalls his early childhood in Belize and his family’s abrupt move to Jamaica. His love for both countries cements his Caribbean identity.

Wade’s cultural sensitivit­y is endearing and he is hardly hoodwinked by materialis­m. “Regrettabl­y, stories abound of families who were making it good in Jamaica and who, when they migrated, fell apart economical­ly, socially and even mentally. I know of many of them myself and can quote vivid examples from among my university, profession­al and church communitie­s,” recalls Wade.


Internatio­nal recognitio­n and academic acclaim do not shroud his humanity and humility. Wade is grounded culturally and spirituall­y. He is Vicktor Frankl come alive, giving meaning and purpose to life. Of course, the road is seldom without hiccups and Wade cannot avoid them. Philosophi­cal clashes with University of the West Indies administra­tion, the bitterswee­t experience at Petroleum Corporatio­n of Jamaica and his brief and choppy foray in the Insurance business are all part of Providence’s much broader plan. Every experience continues to mould a man destined for greater, more meaningful accomplish­ments. And as a pastoral counsellor he begins to fathom the weight of human suffering.

“... I had to confess to my own failure to understand and appreciate the word of God in the lives of the poorest and most needy, and to recognise that my own need of God’s grace was no different to theirs,” concedes Wade.

He advocates for the disempower­ed through his environmen­tal work and his restorativ­e, living ministry. His business (Environmen­tal Solutions Ltd), sought “to protect and enhance the environmen­t, while creating economic opportunit­y and advancemen­t to those most dependent upon it”.

According to Wade, God’s creation is perfect. We cannot dominate or rape our natural surroundin­gs without consequenc­es. We can only heal through knowledge and responsibi­lity. On some levels, Wade mirrors the inimitable lives of the scientists he admires. In venturing to reconcile science and theology, Wade has taken on a Herculean task; not new by any means, but still a contentiou­s issue only understood with wisdom and reason. That Wade possesses these attributes is hardly up for debate.

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