Jamaica Gleaner

Blatter remains FIFA boss


ZURICH (AP): N THE end, nothing could stop Sepp Blatter. Not a far-reaching corruption scandal. Not a tarnished internatio­nal image. Not a young prince who gave him a stronger-thanexpect­ed challenge.

Despite the biggest crisis in FIFA’s 111-year history, Blatter emerged victorious once again yesterday, winning re-election as president of world football’s governing body for a fifth term and proving he is the sport’s ultimate survivor.

“I am now the president of everybody,” the 79-year-old Blatter crowed after defeating Prince Ali bin alHussein of Jordan to secure another four years in office as one of the most powerful men in sports.

Blatter was declared the victor after Prince Ali withdrew following the first round of secret balloting among FIFA’s 209 member federation­s. Blatter won the first ballot 133-73, seven votes short of the t wo-thirds majority required for victory.

Before the start of the second round, where a simple majority would be enough for victory, the 39-year-old prince conceded defeat. By preventing Blatter from securing an outright firstround triumph, Prince Ali gave Blatter a symbolic bloody nose and showed that his previous iron grip on the

Iorganisat­ion has weakened.

“I want to thank all of you who were brave enough to support me,” Prince Ali told the delegates.

With FIFA in turmoil amid a pair of United States (US) and Swiss corrup- tion investigat­ions, Blatter had remained defiant and refused to step down – as demanded by European football’s governing body, UEFA.

The result of the one-vote-per-country election proved that Blatter retains the loyalty of the many smaller countries in Africa and Asia, a bloc that is enough to counter his critics in Europe and elsewhere.


“I like you. I like my job,” Blatter said to the assembly after receiving a mix of cheers and jeers as he stepped to the stage for his victory speech. “I am not perfect, nobody is perfect, but we will do a good job together, I am sure.”

Then he exhorted the delegates: “Together we go! Let’s go, FIFA! Let’s go, FIFA!”

The election took place two days after seven football officials were arrested in dawn raids at a luxury Zurich hotel. The US Justice Department indicted 14 people on charges of bribery, racketeeri­ng, money laundering and other charges. In a separate investigat­ion, Swiss authoritie­s are looking into FIFA’s awarding of the 2018 World Cup to Russia and the 2022 tournament to Qatar. And Britain’s Serious Fraud Office said Friday it is assessing “material in its possession” relating to allegation­s of FIFA corruption.

Blatter himself was not implicated in the US indictment­s, but prosecutor­s have said the investigat­ions are far from over.

 ?? AP ?? FIFA President Sepp Blatter celebrates after his re-election during the 65th FIFA Congress held at the Hallenstad­ion in Zurich, Switzerlan­d, yesterday.
AP FIFA President Sepp Blatter celebrates after his re-election during the 65th FIFA Congress held at the Hallenstad­ion in Zurich, Switzerlan­d, yesterday.

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