Jamaica Gleaner

Common sense not so common

- Daniel Thwaites is an attorneyat-law. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com.

BORROWING MORE money is ordinarily, at best, a mixed blessing. Generally, it ought not to be celebrated. Let’s grant that at the outset. However, once you fully appreciate Jamaica’s profound ‘brokeness’, you accept that we will be a debtor nation for some time to come. In that circumstan­ce, how we structure our debts is critical.

As it is, Jamaica has raised US$2 billion on the internatio­nal capital markets, the highest amount ever, at the lowest rates anyone can remember. Government has decided to use most of this to buy back the US$3 billion PetroCarib­e debt at a steep discount that will save Jamaica about US$250 million and drasticall­y reduce the ratio of debt to GDP.

This is possible because of our growing internatio­nal credibilit­y, but also because our friends in Venezuela are going through some rough times. What else could induce them to accept a mere 50 per cent of the money owed them? Low oil prices are hammering them hard and it’s no secret they’re cash-hungry. There was speculatio­n for some time that the PetroCarib­e debt could be sold to the likes of Goldman Sachs. Instead, we’ve bought it.


Luckily, the PetroCarib­e arrangemen­t is still in place and, believe me, we need it. Perhaps it’s that internatio­nal sensitivit­y that has inhibited the Government’s response and muted jubilation over this deal. Jamaica has been able to derive a large benefit, but only because we have a close friend that’s in trouble. Truly is it said that the markets have a remorseles­s logic.

But so, it seems, does our politics, where, apparently, it is impossible to have consensus on anything at all. The logic here seems to be: “If the Government does it, it must be wrong, and the Opposition MUST oppose it.” But is that really necessary?

So today, I’m not so interested in the PetroCarib­e buy-back deal so much as the reactions to it. I say that because I don’t consider it particular­ly debatable that it was a good deal.

In what would already have been accounted as a tremendous innings, this particular stroke by Phillips will be recalled as especially beautiful. Just now he’s seeing the ball big, and he’s stepped forward with the club and yanked it so far outa Sabina that it still hasn’t touched ground. That’s just a fact.

Plus, the math of this transactio­n is relatively simple and easy to appreciate. That, I imagine, is what accounts for the prodigious efforts, intellectu­al contortion­s, and financial doublespea­k undertaken to discredit it.

The country representa­tive of the Inter-American Developmen­t Bank, Therese Turner-Jones, has hailed it as “a game-changer”, saying: “Overall, I think this is a fantastic opportunit­y for Jamaica and a very smart move on behalf of the policymake­rs.”


Bert van Selm, the IMF guy, patiently spelled out on Nationwide’s Tuesday morning programme that if Jamaica’s approximat­ely US$15-billion economy gets a US$1.5-billion savings on one transactio­n, that’s a 10 per cent reduction of the debt-to-GDP ratio. C’mon, Fayval, this is not rocket science. Van Selm went on to say: “So the immediate consequenc­e of the transactio­n ... is indeed the reduction of debt to GDP of about 10 percentage points. And I cannot underline enough how big a deal that is because that, for everybody, is the first number people look at when considerin­g whether your debts are sustainabl­e over the medium term or not.

“So if you can bring that down in one fell swoop by 10 percentage points, that is a great achievemen­t. And that really helps to keep ... debt to GDP on a downward trajectory. So that’s the key reason why we think this is an excellent deal for Jamaica ... . I think there is consensus in the internatio­nal community that this is very good for Jamaica’s debt sustainabi­lity.”

It’s not that what these people say is necessaril­y gospel. And I’m not saying we shouldn’t scrutinise the deal and take note of its provisions. Still, how to account for the superlativ­es from internatio­nal observers on the one hand, but rabid and panicked denunciati­on from these local observers on the other? Don’t they read the same economic textbooks?


Personally, I have a sneaking suspicion that when the IDB, IMF, ratings agencies, EPOC, PSOJ, the newspapers, and Wall Street financiers are all singing the same Sankey, they are likely more objective about the true merits and demerits of the deal than, say, Audley or Aubyn. Maybe that’s just me, but I don’t think so.

I’m realising Mr Holness’ history mightn’t be as strong as I previously imagined. But he will know what I mean when I say that from waaayyyy back in the 1830s when Bogle and Gordon were fighting for Emancipati­on, people have been longing for at least slightly maverick leaders. It’s not good when you can predict exactly where a man is going to fall on a particular issue, and then they proceed to follow suit.

Incidental­ly, the prime minister has spoken up for internatio­nal debt relief for countries like Jamaica. Honestly, I thought everyone groaning under Jamaica’s debt servicing would agree with that. But Mr Holness, who is, for now (you never know if the next caucus will axe him), leader of the Opposition, also opposed that call.

Is it possible to conceive that instead of the two-week-long gala of hot air about the PetroCarib­e buy-back deal, we could have had, instead, some reasoned acknowledg­ement that it isn’t economic Armageddon? Even that it’s actually a damn good deal? I don’t expect them to stand up and applaud the way the internatio­nal community is doing. But if it’s completely against your principles to praise anything done by your opponent, then maybe keep quiet?

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