Jamaica Gleaner

Let’s fight for Jamaica


THE EDITOR, Sir: I AM 26 years old, and, like most Jamaicans my age, I love my country. But I care nothing for politics.

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller said, two Sundays ago, that “one good term deserves another”. Tell that to my peers with whom I graduated in 2010. Fifty per cent of them have no work and another 30 per cent are working wherever they can get a job (which, in most cases, is well below what they are worth).

My generation’s view of politics – and the political system – is that it is a joke. An absolute joke! No one takes Portia and her Comrades, or Andrew and his Labourites, seriously. We believe that they are in it for the money, the free phone calls, and the important functions where people treat them like royalty. Who could blame us?

For my generation, the joke continues as we prepare for another election filled with empty promises and pathetic, outdated antics to garner votes from those whom I perceive to be either uneducated or reaping some kind of financial benefit from the party they support. Why else would you support the Jamaican Government? Surely you cannot believe that it is making progress.

But do we realise the joke is on us? If we are the future, we are also partly culpable for being so deafeningl­y quiet.

I care about the future of my country, so I can no longer keep quiet. We must band together and speak out, not for the PNP or JLP, but for ourselves, our families, our countrymen, and our Jamaica. ADIEL THOMAS adielthoma­sofficial@gmail.com

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