Jamaica Gleaner

Standard two-in-one Cryptic Puzzle



9 Report from a gun, loaded (8) 10 Twain being spoken of, also (3) 11 The former forward was very good (6) 12 “Not Much Left.” Strange title (6) 13 He’s nice though rather peculiar – a foreigner (7) 14 Again one had left alone, it’s true (4) 15 A big cravat from the many in store (5,5) 17 Working, then not, from time to time (2,3,3) 18 Animals’ tails that are mere stubs (3,4) 19 Might or won’t be eaten by the vegetarian (4) 21 Get the knack of backing it in, though not enjoying it (6) 24 Insisting that you tell them all again (9,1,7) 27 And there’s little cover for the outlaw (6) 29 Mistake for a girl (4) 30 Looks like a paper-cutter inside (7) 33 Manly? Rot! Nonsense! Like an elderly woman (8) 35 A garment that will withstand wear? That’s my forte (6,4) 36 Don’t go on, you beast! (4) 37 Muttered that mother was very sorry (7) 38 Also covering a case in the West Indies (6) 40 It’s not Thatcher he’s criticisin­g (6) 41 The boy is a little shorter than the woman (3) 42 Execute the order to remove? (5,3)


1 Said as briefly as possible, help with the dictionary compilatio­n (3,2,1,4) 2 Even getting a puncture! (4) 3 The sweets stand, one said emphatical­ly (8) 4 Try to gain access, which is an infringeme­nt of the rules (5-2) 5 Something soft to walk on is one’s only luxury (4,7) 6 Always in one’s thoughts? (10) 7 Was economical with water again the day after (6) 8 After chucking the gun out, having a ball (5,3) 10 Be under the impression that you’ll give it your considerat­ion (5) 16 Shone when there was a gale out at sea (7) 20 Getting a retraction from the soldier in time (5) 22 Among the rest may be included our cars (7) 23 Does it indicate ill humour? (6,5) 25 No increase - that’s a thing of the past (3,3,4) 26 Proving to be a bouncer? (7,3) 28 So a whale can be trained completely (2,1,5) 31 As a joke, get out the cruet with the hole in it (8) 32 Make for, having miscued (7) 34 Responds again to the “Scat!” by going off (6) 35 For that reason, the cover is thick (5) 39 The cries of horses? (4)

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