Jamaica Gleaner

A great community person


THE FAMILY and friends of the late Lesma Keen, affectiona­tely known as ‘Emma’, who gathered at the Somerton United Church in St James on March 22, 2016, all hailed the 95-year-old as a great community person.

Lorna Keen-Grey, Emma’s eldest daughter, delivered the eulogy which was well received because it reminded the congregati­on of the caring, loving and generous person that Emma was.

She was a pillar of strength in her community; she was the role model that everyone tried to emulate because of the virtues of integrity and love she displayed towards everyone.

Mrs Keen studied the Word of God and was known to be able to quote any Scripture at the drop of a dime. However, even more significan­t is the fact that she lived by the Word; she practised what she preached. Her kindness knew no bounds. Such was her generosity that there is the common saying in her community that “if you didn’t get a meal at Emma’s house, you wouldn’t get a meal in Somerton”. Emma practised Christian principles. She was an ardent churchgoer whose presence was felt in church because of her involvemen­t in numerous activities.

This devout Christian taught Sunday school; she was an active member of the Women’s Guild and a chorister whose beautiful and resonant voice could be singled out as she offered songs in praise.

Lesma Keen passed away in the United States on February 22, 2016.

Her husband, George, and three of her children – Lloyd, Teddy and Chris – predecease­d her.

She leaves her other children Lorna, Roney (Bunny), Evette, Sandy, Janette (Blondie), Claude, Jackie and Marva (Mitzie); numerous grandchild­ren; other relatives and friends to mourn her.

While they mourn, they celebrate a life well lived.

The memories of her positive influence, warm personalit­y, pleasant smile, generosity and love will forever be etched in their hearts.

Time will not erase the precious memories because they will be passed on to generation­s to come.

Emma was laid to rest alongside her husband in the family plot at School House in Somerton.

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