Jamaica Gleaner

High rate of diabetes, hypertensi­on in region linked to slavery – Beckles

- André Poyser Staff Reporter andre.poyser@gleanerjm.com

THAT THERE is a high rate of diabetes in the Caribbean and a continued increase in the noncommuni­cable disease among Caribbean nationals does not come as a surprise to vice-chancellor of the University of the West Indies, Sir Hilary Beckles.

While officially opening the second staging of the World Family Doctor Day Conference, put on by the Caribbean College of Family Physicians at the Terra Nova All Suite Hotel in St Andrew yesterday, Beckles did not miss the opportunit­y to share historical musings on the conference theme regarding noncommuni­cable diseases.

“We know that when we go behind the conversati­on about inactivity, diet, changing lifestyles and the narrative that says these are the causes of hypertensi­on and diabetes, the historians would say that we have to historicis­e the problem and look back at what obtained in plantation society,” he told the gathering of doctors.


Drawing on his vast mental catalogue of 18th- and 19th-century records of numerous slave plantation­s across the region, Beckles argued that the staple diet of the slaves would have pointed to a diabetes pandemic within the region.

“If you take a people and you entrap them

on sugar plantation­s for 300 years and you feed them sugar every day, and you tell them they must eat what they grow and what they grow is sugar, and every day they are eating sugar and on top of that you feed them on salt fish and salt pork every single day for all of their lives ... what do you expect?” he asked.

According to Beckles, there was already a pandemic of hypertensi­on and diabetes long in the history of the region.

“We are now measuring it for the first time using the markers of the medical sciences. But the historians are aware and have been aware that this pandemic is 300 years old and we understand now why at the end of this history, we are having a difficulty with salt and sugar,” he said.

A 2010 study published in the West Indian Medical Journal by Trevor Ferguson, et al, supports Beckles’ assertions and presents a historical view of the epidemiolo­gy of diabetes mellitus in Jamaica and the Caribbean.

“Across the Caribbean, the overall prevalence of diabetes mellitus is estimated at about nine per cent. In addition to the high burden of prevalent diabetes, there is also a high burden of complicati­ons,” the study said, while noting that the prevalence is increasing at an alarming rate.

Beckles has attributed the increase in diabetes in the region to genetic factors developed from the era of colonisati­on.

“I am so pleased by the research being done by the psychologi­sts which is showing that these stressors are inherited geneticall­y, that mothers are passing on the ‘sugar gene’, these stressors accumulate­d from slavery and colonisati­on, and that babies are being born with propensiti­es because of this history that we have experience­d over a long period of time,” he said.

 ?? NORMAN GRINDLEY/CHIEF PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Sir Hilary Beckles, vice-chancellor at the University of the West Indies, addresses the official opening of the World Family Doctor Day Conference 2016 at the Terra Nova All Suite Hotel in St Andrew.
NORMAN GRINDLEY/CHIEF PHOTOGRAPH­ER Sir Hilary Beckles, vice-chancellor at the University of the West Indies, addresses the official opening of the World Family Doctor Day Conference 2016 at the Terra Nova All Suite Hotel in St Andrew.

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