Jamaica Gleaner

Perversion of justice or perverted justice?


THE EDITOR, Sir: HE TRIAL and conviction of the Rev Al Miller for perverting the course of justice raises some interestin­g points for our society. Jamaica continues to strive to achieving a whole and prosperous society, but someone once said, “There cannot be prosperity without peace. There cannot be peace without justice, and there cannot be justice without truth.” All these factors came to the fore during the trial.

What are some of the unconteste­d facts? 1. The order had been given for Dudus to be

extradited. 2. Over 70 people were killed in the attempt to

execute this order. 3. Rev Al Miller offered to assist in bringing

an end without further bloodshed. 4. He had been instrument­al in bringing in at

least one relative. 5. The prime minister, commission­er of police, and the ombudsman were all aware of, and supported, his involvemen­t. 6. The Police with all the resources of the State

could not find Dudus. 7. Dudus was found in the company of the reverend on their way to the US embassy. The police allege that the pastor’s car, in which the two men were travelling, eluded them on three separate occasions before being brought to a stop on the Mandela highway.

Here are some questions that arise from this whole affair, if justice was the ultimate goal: 1. Why was Miller, who was the driver of the

Tvehicle, not arrested on the spot after the alleged “high-speed chase”, but instead, was instructed to leave the scene and return to his home? Not even a traffic ticket? 2. Why did the judge choose to believe the word of the police rather than the word of the reverend? 3. Do the police, in general, have more credibilit­y than the church? Maybe we need a referendum on this one. 4. If the case rested alone on the fact that they were on their way to the United States Embassy and not to a Jamaican police station, why did it take over five years to bring the case to an end? 5. Why was the commission­er of police not

obliged to testify in the court case? 6. Why was informatio­n from the commission

of enquiry not deemed relevant? 7. Does anyone think that Dudus would have come out of hiding if he were going to be taken to a police station? 8. If Jamaica was going to extradite Dudus

anyway, then was justice not served? 9. Was there another kind of justice to be executed on Dudus? One wonders. 10. Should the law have been a shackle in the greater cause of justice? Seems more like a case of justice perverted than a perversion of justice.

Prosperity, peace, justice, truth in Jamaica, seems a long way off EARLE HOWARD Mandeville

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