Jamaica Gleaner

Boost your child’s memory


POOR MEMORY in children can lead to poor performanc­e in school, which can adversely affect their confidence as they grow up.

There are several ways to boost children’s memory. One of these is by ensuring that they get high nutrition in the food they eat. But how do nutritious foods boost kids’ memory? What are the essential nutrients that enhance memory? Here are some well-known memory-boosting nutrients and their sources.


Experts say that omega-3 fatty acids promote brain developmen­t. Omega-3 has eicosapent­aenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexa­enoic acid (DHA).

DHA enhances membrane fluidity, which is essential for efficient brain function. Low levels of DHA are said to be associated with problems in intelligen­ce, behavior, and vision.

EPA works to the same degree as DHA and significan­tly enhances neurologic function.

DHA and EPA can be found in tuna and salmon.

Kids who do not like to eat fish can also get them from peanuts, walnuts, and almonds.


Taurine has been known to be a great memory booster.

There are studies that demonstrat­e that with taurine, a person is less likely to suffer from weakened memory retention, which is a normal tendency for aging people.

Meat, fish, and breast milk naturally contain taurine.

Choline is a nutrient that affects the brain areas responsibl­e for memory function and long-term learning ability.

A diet rich in eggs, beef,

wheat, peanuts, lettuce, and cauliflowe­r is also known to be fortified with choline.

The egg yolk, a study shows, calms the brain, thereby improving a child’s concentrat­ion.

Food that contains monounsatu­rated fats also nourishes the brain. These can be found from extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, nuts or seeds, and avocado.

Folic acid is also said to be a memory booster. The common sources of folic acid are soybeans, wholegrain cereals, spinach, broccoli, oranges, and green peas.

Aside from glucose, anthocyani­n and quercetin are also being looked into as brain foods. Fruits and vegetables such as berries, eggplant, grapes, cherries, apples, cabbage, tomato, broccoli, onions, and apricot contain these antioxidan­ts.

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