Jamaica Gleaner

Milk – the food for good sleep


HAVING A good night’s rest is one way to get you started on that journey of wellness. Sleep is an important element of relaxation. There are certain foods that can be eaten to help you get a get a good night’s sleep. A warm glass of milk is considered to be one of those foods.

Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid which – when broken down by the body – is believed to play a key role in inducing sleep. Other foods high in sleepinduc­ing nutrients are yoghurt, ice cream, chicken, wholegrain cereals, seafood, cashew, hazelnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.

Calcium has also been identified in playing a role in sleep, since it helps the brain use the tryptophan to manufactur­e melatonin (a hormone that helps to regulate sleep). In addition, having adequate levels of niacin – a B vitamin – is also important since it is needed for the making of serotonin (a nerve transmitte­r involved in regulating sleep) and promotes sleep, hence making milk a good food for sleeping well.

Milk is also packed with proteins, vitamins A, B, D, K, phosphorou­s, potassium and many others to help to restore, protect and preserve you while you sleep.

Enjoy a glass of warm milk not only to sleep better but to be revitalise­d for the next day of activities. Remember that a great day starts with a great night’s sleep.

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