Jamaica Gleaner

No faith in justice system


THE EDITOR, Sir: AS WE come to terms with the verdict of the recent X6 murder trial, how the case has meandered over the years is somewhat distastefu­l.

If lead prosecutor Jeremy Taylor was seriously interested in prosecutin­g Patrick Powell, this case would not have been over. Understand­ing the court system, it’s evidence brought that really matters. Here are a few questions left unanswered. Where is the gun? What is the basis on which Mais had gunpowder residue on his hand?

Does the taxi driver have a personal relationsh­ip with Mr Powell?

It will take constituti­onal change to bring integrity and trustworth­iness to the judicial system. Khajeel Mais has been laid to rest since July 16, 2011. His accused killer now walks free on October 24, 2016. Legally speaking, Mr Powell is an innocent man. While emotional reactions are pouring out on social media, this may be another eye-opener.

I hope the minister of justice and the always discombobu­lated director of public prosecutio­ns can use this to ignite a national agenda in which constituti­onal change can be made before further such disasters. This could have been anybody’s child.

It is time for our Government to safeguard the interests of the people regarding our human rights. Is it a right to brutally murdered? I really look forward to a day when we can trust the justice system. ZUKIE JARRETT Executive Vice-President, Democratic Yutes United To Evolve Change

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