Jamaica Gleaner

Al Miller’s case revisited


THE EDITOR, Sir: I TH REGARDS to the Al Miller Christophe­r Coke issue, the judgment and sentence have been handed down for some time now, the conviction being that of attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Be that as it may, I find it a little difficult to understand, first, why Al Miller would be charged, and second, why there appears to be so much feeling against his action in some leadership circles in Jamaica.

Why should one be charged for attempting to pervert the course of justice when one appears to be actually assisting in the course of justice?

Coke was operating in Jamaica for years and there was no pending warrant for his arrest before the extraditio­n request. It was only when this request was made by the United States that the situation developed where he was wanted in Jamaica.


Based on his subsequent waiving of the right to challenge the extraditio­n, it appears that he did not want to surrender to the Jamaican police.

It seems highly probable that he had reached the point of seeing no way out that would, in his estimation, ensure the likelihood of his own physical survival, than to surrender to the US authoritie­s.

Before the Tivoli incursion, Rev Miller had discussed with the commission­er of police the possibilit­y of his escorting Coke to the embassy, and, after the incursion, had actually escorted Coke’s sister into police custody.


In an overall assessment of the situation, the following appears to be the case: First, it appears that Coke would not have been taken into US custody without Al Miler’s involvemen­t and willingnes­s to go along with Coke’s plan.

Second, given the underlying philosophy of The Fellowship Tabernacle and Whole Life Ministries, both of which are led by Rev Miller, and which have always posited an overall national theologica­l perspectiv­e regarding Jamaica, the action taken by Rev Miller is all the more understand­able and commendabl­e.

Finally, looking at the overall outcome of the whole incident, it appears that Al Miller acted in the finest traditions of a Christian pastor.

The US authoritie­s, who openly declared that they wanted Coke, got their man, and in addition, there were no further fatalities. Is that not justice served?


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