Jamaica Gleaner

In poor black region, fears and prayers over Trump


MARION, Alabama (AP): IN WHAT’S left of the Old South’s plantation region, the descendant­s of slaves who picked cotton and worked the dark soil are praying differentl­y since Donald Trump moved into the White House.

During Barack Obama’s eight years in office, folks who gathered for Bible studies or Sunday worship worried that someone would try to kill the nation’s first black president, and they asked God to protect him.

Today, those worshipper­s are asking the Almighty to instil Trump with a kind heart and give him understand­ing for people far outside the world of Manhattan real estate or reality TV.

“We’re asking for him to be compassion­ate,” said Frances Ford, 60, a nurse who leads a nonprofit programme that works with needy people in Marion, the seat of Perry County, one of the poorest places in the impoverish­ed 11-state region known as the ‘Black Belt’ – originally for the dark colour of its soil and later for its high percentage of African-American residents.

With more than 600 counties stretching from southern Virginia to east Texas, the Black Belt was wealthy when cotton was king. However, as a study from the University of Georgia and North Carolina State University found, it eventually became the nation’s largest contiguous pocket of poverty.

High unemployme­nt, poor education, declining population and persistent health problems are the norm.


Black residents here were energised by hope when Obama was elected – Perry County went so far as to declare an annual holiday in his honour – but the start of Trump’s term has been marked by scepticism, anxiety and fear, feelings that are growing for many black Americans nationwide as they struggle to connect with the president.

Trump promised his policies would benefit African-Americans and predicted he’d win the black vote. He didn’t: About eight per cent of black voters nationwide supported him.

And Trump hasn’t done anything since to make blacks feel more comfortabl­e about his time in the White House.

 ??  ?? Businessma­n Homer King stands outside his small store in Marion, Ala. King, who lives in the old plantation region called the ‘Black Belt’, says he is praying for President Donald Trump despite misgivings about his election.
Businessma­n Homer King stands outside his small store in Marion, Ala. King, who lives in the old plantation region called the ‘Black Belt’, says he is praying for President Donald Trump despite misgivings about his election.

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